Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
which are considered especially power-
ful, such as the liöga formed of ice at

svayam-vyakta (‘self-revealed’)
IMAGESthat appear in dreams and are
believed not to be artificially made.
They are considered more powerful
than artificial ones.

Ÿveta-dvïpa (‘white island’)
Mentioned in the Näräyaæïya section of
the Mahäbhärata as lying to the north
of Bhärata, inhabited by a race of white
wise beings, worshippers of NÄRÄYAŒA,
who communicated to NÄRA and
Näräyaæa a doctrine of salvation.

A son of UDDÄLAKA, he received instruc-
tion in the Chäæõogya Upani•ad
regarding the identity of ÄTMANand
BRAHMAN. In the Mahäbhärata he is
mentioned as a ø•i(sage) who intro-
duced the law of marital exclusivity.

Ÿvetäÿvatara Upani•ad
One of the principal Upani•ads, belong-
ing to the YAJURVEDA, containing a fair-
ly systematic discussion of Ÿiva Advaita.

Ÿyäma (‘black’)
A name of KØÆŒA.

svayam-vyakta 180

Encyclo - Letter S 10/2/03 9:59 am Page 180

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