Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
His community is divided into a
great many different saƒpradäyas
(sects). The most characteristic feature
of Vi•æu is his appearance in the form of
AVATÄRAS (incarnations), whose most
prominent are RÄMAand Kø•æa. A rich
mythology has been created around
Vi•æu as well as a sophisticated theolo-

Vi•æu Puräæa
The Puräæa dealing with Vi•æu, his
AVATÄRAS, his legends, his worship etc.
It is one of the oldest (fifth century CE?)
and best corresponds to the definition
of a Puräæa as dealing with five subjects
(pañcalak•ana): primary creation, sec-
ondary creation, genealogies of gods
and patriarchs, reigns of MANU(2), his-
tory. It is very popular among Hindus
and considered ÿruti (revelation) by

Minister of Candragupta Maurya
(322–298 BCE), usually identified with
CÄNAKYA(or Kauflilya), the celebrated
author of the Kaufliliya Arthaÿästra.

(‘thousand names of Vi•æu’)
A litany of a thousand names or titles of
Vi•æu, found in the Mahäbhärataand
several Puräæas. It has been commented
upon by ŸA¢KARA(2) and by PARÄŸARA
Bhaflfla, and is often recited in VAIÆŒAVA
worship. The Cäraka Saƒhitä, a work
on medicine, recommends recitation of
the Vi•æusahasranämain cases where
medical remedies no longer help and in
former times it was recited during child-

One of the older, authoritative codes of law.

Vi•æu-svämi (1200–50)
Founder of the Rudra (VAIÆŒAVA)

Viÿva Hindü Pari•ad
(‘Universal Hindu Assembly’)
A movement founded in 1964 by about
150 Hindu religious leaders in Bombay
to reawaken Hindu consciousness
(Hindu jagaran) and to bring about
worldwide co-operation among Hindus.
It also attempts to articulate a common
platform for Hinduism, to modernize
the Hindu tradition and to give political
power in India back to Hindus. It sup-
ports Hindu political parties and has
held several major public events to draw
attention to Hindu concerns. It is very
active in the Hindu diaspora and has
attracted the support of leading figures
in economy and culture.

Viÿva-karma (1) (‘all-maker’)
A Vedic deva, who is addressed in two
hymns as ‘all-seeing, mighty in mind
and power, the father who made us, the
one above the seven ø•is(sages).’

Viÿva-karma (2)
The architect, engineer and master
craftsman of the gods, the author of

A celebrated figure who, though born as
a KÆATRIYA, rose to brahminhood
through intense tapas(self-mortification)
and became one of the SAPTAØÆIS (Seven
Sages). He was the arch rival of
VASIÆfiHA, another Mahar•i (Great Sage).
Viÿvamitra is the sage of the third
maæõala of the Øgveda, which contains
the famous gäyatrï, Vasi•flha that of the
seventh. Both were at some time purohi-
tas (family priests) of the famous King
SUDÄS. The epics and Puräæas contain
many stories about the enmity between
Viÿvamitra and Vasi•flha.

205 Viÿvämitra

Encyclo - Letter V 10/2/03 10:03 am Page 205

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