Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
A Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism 228

Marshall, P.J. (ed.) The British Discovery of Hinduism in the Eighteenth
Century, European Understanding of India Series. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 1971
Panikkar, K.M. Asia and Western Dominance.London, Allen & Unwin, 1955
(3rd edn)
Panikkar, K.M. A Survey of Indian History.Bombay, Asia Publishing House,
Pargiter, F.E. Ancient Indian Historical Tradition.Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass,
1962 (repr.)
Pargiter, F.E. The Purana Text of the Dynasties of the Kaliage. Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 1913
Parpola, A. The Sky Garment: A Study of the Harappan Religion and the
Relation to the Mesopotamian and later Indian Religions.Helsinki, Finnish
Oriental Society, 1985
Piggott, S. Prehistoric India. Baltimore, Penguin Books, 1961
Possehl, G.C. (ed.) Harappan Civilisation: A Contemporary Perspective.
Warminster, Aris & Philips, 1982
Renou, L. Vedic India.Calcutta, Sunil Gupta, 1957
Saletore, B.A. Ancient Indian Political Thought and Institutions.Bombay, Asia
Publishing House, 1963
Sankalia, H.D. Indian Archeology Today.New York, Asia Publishing House,
Sastri, K.A. Nilakantha. The Colas,3 vols. Madras, University of Madras, 1935
Sastri, K.A. The Culture and History of the Tamils.Calcutta, Firma K.L.
Mukhopadhyay, 1964
Sengupta, N.C. Evolution of Ancient Indian Law. London, Probsthain, 1953
Sengupta, P.C. Ancient Indian Chronology.Calcutta, University of Calcutta,
Sharma, R.K. (ed.) Indian Archeology. New Perspectives.Delhi, Agam Kala
Prakashan, 1982
Shendge, M. J. The Civilized Demons: The Harappans in Rgveda.New Delhi,
Abhinav, 1977
Smith, V. History of India.Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1955
Spellman, J.W. Political Theory of Ancient India. New York, Oxford
University Press, 1964
Thapar, R. A History of India, 2 vols.Baltimore, Penguin Books, 1966
Tod, J. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, ed. William Crooke, 3 vols. Delhi,
Motilal Banarsidass, n.d
Vyas, S.N. India in the Ramayana Age.Delhi, Atura Ram & Sons, 1967
Wheeler, M. The Indus Civilization.Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,

Sacred Books

Balasundaram, T.S. The Golden Anthology of Ancient Tamil Literature, 3 vols.
Madras, South India Saiva Siddhanta Book Publishing Society, 1959–60
Coburn, T.B. Devi Mahatmya: The Crystallization of the Goddess Tradition.
Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1984

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