Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
abhäva (‘non-being’)
Absence of reality, a category in NYÄYA.

Abhinav Bhärat Society
‘Young India Society’, founded by
Vinayak Damodar SAVARKARand his
brother Ganesh Savarkar in the 1930s ‘to
take up the sword and destroy the
Government because it is foreign and

Abhinavagupta (12th century CE)
Representative of KASHMIRŸAIVISMand
one of the most prolific thinkers and
writers of Hinduism. Author of the
multi-volume Tanträlokä.

(‘attachment’ [to bodily life])
A form of AVIDYÄ(ignorance) and a
cause for suffering and rebirth accord-

Ancient and populous clan of semi-
nomadic cattlebreeders in northern
India often mentioned in ancient Indian
literature in connection with KØÆŒA.

abhi•ekha (‘aspersion’)
Anointment, consecration of either a
king or an image.

The offering of water to a deity during
worship for rinsing the mouth.

äcära (‘behaviour’)
Rules of life for specific castes, orders or
religions, laid down in texts such as

äcärya (‘master’)
Honorific title of recognized teachers.

A female teacher.

acyuta (‘the unfallen’)
Name of VIÆŒU(and KØÆŒA), either indi-
cating that he did not fall down from
heaven (as other minor deities did) or
that he is imperishable.

adbhuta (‘wonderment’)
One of the eight RASAS (sentiments,
emotional experiences) of Indian aes-

adharma (‘unrighteousness’)
The opposite of DHARMAand the cause
of the breakdown of law and order.
Kø•æa says in the Bhagavadgïtä that
whenever adharmathreatens to eclipse


Encyclo - Letter A 10/2/03 9:36 am Page 15

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