Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
43 Braja

(‘Brahma’s crevice’)
Aperture at the crown of the head, iden-
tified by the ŸIKHA, the small tuft of hair
kept unshaven. According to popular
Hindu tradition it is the opening
through which the soul of a good per-
son leaves the body at the time of death.
Bad souls are forced downwards
through the excretionary channels.

Brahma-rekha (‘Brahmä’s line’)
According to popular Hindu belief
BRAHMÄinscribes a child’s destiny on its
forehead on the sixth day after its birth.

brahmästra (‘Brahma’s weapon’)
An unfailing device, mentioned in the

Also called Vedäntasütra, a collection
of 550 aphorisms. It is arranged in four
pädas (parts), subdivided into four
adhyäyas(chapters), each containing a
number of sütras(aphorisms) purport-
ing to summarize the content of the
UPANIÆADS. The present Brahmasütras
are ascribed to BÄDARÄYANA, although
the names of former authors of such
works (all of them lost) are mentioned.
The Brahmasütrashave become the
most important text of the Vedänta sys-
tems: its brevity necessitates lengthy
commentaries (bhä•yas) which have
become the main sources of the various
systems. Each of these has a proper
name: Ÿaökara’s commentary is called
Ÿarïrakabhä•ya, RÄMÄNUJA’s Ÿrïbhä•ya
and MADHVA’s Aæubhä•ya.

A class of women mentioned in the
HARITA-SMØTI, who remained celibate
and devoted themselves to study and

Brahma-vaivarta Puräæa
A rather late Vai•æava Puräæa which
relates in great detail the story of KØÆŒA
and RÄDHÄ.

(‘The country where brahmins dwell’)
The Hindu heartland, considered the
ideal living space for Brahmins.
Brahmins living in brahmävartawere
held up as exemplars to the others.

(‘brahman knowledge’)
The highest kind of knowledge, knowl-
edge that liberates: ‘Those who know
brahman become brahman.’ To attain it
a person has to practise SÄDHANAS
and fulfil a variety of conditions


Brahmo Samäj
(‘Brahman Association’)
A reformist Hindu movement founded
by Ram Mohan ROY in 1828 as
‘Brahmo Sabhä’ and in 1843 restruc-
tured and renamed ‘Brahmo Samäj’ by
Debendranath TAGORE. It aimed at
purifying Hinduism and developing a
strong ethical consciousness among

Braja, also Brajbhümi, Vraja
The district around Mathurä, Uttar
Pradesh, associated with Kø•æa. It com-
prises, besides Mathurä, the birthplace
of Kø•æa, Gokula, the hometown of his
foster-parents, where he grew up,
Vøndävana, the place where he frol-
icked with the GOPIS, Govardhana,
where he sheltered the shepherds from
torrential rains, and many other forests
and ponds associated with his exploits.
Revived in the 16th century by the

Encyclo - Letter B 10/2/03 9:37 am Page 43

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