Edgerton, Franklin
Orientalist, teacher of Sanskrit at Yale
University, translator of the Bhagavad-
Eidlitz, Walter (1892–1976)
Austrian diplomat who, while posted in
India, developed a deep interest in
- eine indische Odysee (1951), Die
indische Gottesliebe (1955), Der
Glaube und die heiligen Schriften der
Inder(1957), and Kø•æa–Caitanya: Sein
Leben und Seine Lehre (1968), an
authoritative work with many transla-
tions from Sanskrit and Bengali sources.
ekadaæõi (‘one-staffed’)
Appellation of certain orders of
SAMNYÄSIS, who carry a single staff (in
contrast to the tri-daæõi, who carry
three staffs bundled together.
ekägratä (‘one-pointedness’)
Eka-näflha (1533-1598 CE)
Famous Mahratta poet-saint, author of
a commentary on Book XI of the
Bhägavata Puräæa, Bhavärtha Ramäyaæa,
and numerousabhaögas (hymns), as
well as the editor of JÑÄNEŸVARA’s
Eka-ÿøæga (1) (‘one-horned’)
One of the early AVATÄRASof Vi•æu
(often depicted as a fish with a protrud-
ing horn) who saved MANU(2) during
the Great Flood.
Eka-ÿøæga (2)
Name of a recluse who had grown up
without having seen women, and let
himself be seduced by courtesans in the
context of a ritual designed to end a
long-lasting drought.
A special ŸRADDHA, performed at each
new moon, designed to secure the
admission of the deceased into the com-
pany of the forefathers, transforming
him from a PRETA(ghost) into a PITØ
Elephants, both mythical and real, play
a great role in Indian religious lore,
from AIRÄVATA, Indra’s mount and the
other DIG-GAJAS, to the king of the
Elephants, saved by Vi•æu from the
clutches of a crocodile (Gajendra-
mok•ana), a scene often described in lit-
erature and portrayed in art. Elephants
were a royal prerogative, and every temple
had to keep at least one elephant for
ceremonial purposes. Elephants were
also extensively used in warfare. They
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