Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers

(Chris Devlin) #1

Thus, the probability that is within 3(0.01^2 n)^1 ^2 of is at least 89. Finally, nis chosen
such that 3(0.01^2 n)^1 ^2 0.005. That is,


n 323 0.01^2 0.005^24  36


S5-25. The photoresist thickness in semiconductor manu-
facturing has a mean of 10 micrometers and a standard devia-
tion of 1 micrometer. Bound the probability that the thickness
is less than 6 or greater than 14 micrometers.
S5-26. Suppose Xhas a continuous uniform distribution
with range 0 x10. Use Chebyshev’s rule to bound the
probability that Xdiffers from its mean by more than two stan-
dard deviations and compare to the actual probability.
S5-27. Suppose Xhas an exponential distribution with
mean 20. Use Chebyshev’s rule to bound the probability that
Xdiffers from its mean by more than two standard deviations
and by more than three standard deviations and compare to the
actual probabilities.
S5-28. Suppose Xhas a Poisson distribution with mean 4.
Use Chebyshev’s rule to bound the probability that Xdiffers from
its mean by more than two standard deviations and by more than
three standard deviations and compare to the actual probabilities.
S5-29. Consider the process of drilling holes in printed cir-
cuits boards. Assume that the standard deviation of the diame-
ters is 0.01 and that the diameters are independent. Suppose

that the average of 500 diameters is used to estimate the
process mean.
(a) The probability is at least 1516 that the measured aver-
age is within some bound of the process mean. What is the
(b) If it is assumed that the diameters are normally distrib-
uted, determine the bound such that the probability is
15 16 that the measured average is closer to the process
mean than the bound.
S5-30. Prove Chebyshev’s rule from the following steps.
Define the random variable Yas follows:

(a) Determine E(Y)
(b) Show that
(c) Using part (b), show that
(d) Using part (c), complete the derivation of Chebyshev’s

E 31 X 224 c^2   2 E 3 Y 4

1 X 22  1 X 22 Yc^2   2 Y

1 if 0 X 0 c
0 otherwise

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