Essential Skills Manual - Automotive Service Technician

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  1. Introduction

The Curriculum Guidebook is designed to provide support and practical advice to
instructors who are delivering Essential Skills training, as well as to those who wish to
incorporate Essential Skills into technical training. Currently, this Guidebook has been
prepared for thirteen trades; however, the template can be adapted for use in any trade.

The thirteen trades include:

ƒ Automotive Service Technician
ƒ Cabinetmaker
ƒ Carpenter
ƒ Cook
ƒ Construction Electrician
ƒ Industrial Electrician
ƒ Machinist
ƒ Metal Fabricator
ƒ Oil Burner Mechanic
ƒ Plumber
ƒ Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic
ƒ Steamfitter-Pipefitter
ƒ Welder

  1. Why Essential Skills?

Essential Skills are needed for work, learning and life. They provide the foundation for
learning all other skills and enable people to evolve with their jobs and adapt to
workplace change.

Through extensive research, the Government of Canada and other national and
international agencies have identified and validated nine essential skills. These skills are
used in every occupation and throughout daily life in different ways.

ƒ Reading Text

Document Use

The Trade Essentials curriculum materials
currently uses six of these Essential Skills:
Reading, Document Use, Numeracy,
Oral Communication, Writing and

Computer Use


Oral Communication


Computer Use

ƒ Thinking Skills
ƒ Working with Others
ƒ Continuous Learning

For more information on Essential Skills, visit the website at

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