Essential Skills Manual - Automotive Service Technician

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been proven that a learning environment that provides opportunity for discussion and
interaction among learners will improve comprehension and long-term memory.

  1. Measuring Learning: Instructor’s Role in Evaluation

There are a number of informal methods that could be used periodically by the instructor
to ensure progress. It is important to note that me asurement is not based on a “Pass-
Fail;” it is understood that the learner sees the value in improving their skill level and will
continue to develop their skills until they are comfortable and confident in performing the
required tasks.

Informal Evaluation Methods:^

  • Provide o pportunities and sim ple record ing forms for the learner to asse ss their

  • Review individual assessments on a regular basis against the curricula framework

  • Pay particular attention to those identified as potential “early leavers” to ensure they
    are moving forward as anticipated.

  • Pay attention to those who experience unanticipated difficulties in the group

  • Document observations of performance in class

  • Develop a rubrics for a particular objective that can be shared with students
    Formal Evaluation:

  • Where a more formal evaluation approach is desired, the instructors or learners could
    design and complete a structured checklist (see sample checklist in Appendices).
    Mastery of skills at the highest level using the application to the trade would
    demonstrate that the learner meets trade requirements.

  1. Intervention Timeframe

The Trade Essentials interventions have been developed for individualized learning;
therefore, no set time period has been determined for the delivery of the material.
Learners’ prior knowledge and time necessary to learn or relearn skills should determine
the length of time spent in the intervention. For that purpose, a continuous exit policy
should be implemented into all programs. There may be a mixture of “early leavers”
(those identified as having few or isolated essential skills gaps), with those who have
broader range of needs.

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