Essential Skills Manual - Automotive Service Technician

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Automotive Service Technician
NOC 7321

Page 136

Automotive Service Technician
NOC 7321

DU1 Use Lists

Upon completion of this objective, learners will be able to:

1.1 define lists
1.2 identify purpose
1.3 locate information in lists
1.4 interpret information in lists
1.5 create lists
1.6 evaluate lists for effectiveness

Suggested Strategies and Activities:

ƒ Identify presence and uses of lists in Automotive Service trade documents
ƒ Find examples and extract information from the four types of lists (simple,
combined, intersected and nested)
ƒ Analyze lists and determine degree of difficulty (i.e., simple or complex)
ƒ Create lists to organize and compare information by category (i.e., tools,
materials and special equipment for each installation)
ƒ Differentiate between lists and tables
ƒ Examine structure and components of a variety of lists
ƒ Encourage learners to share their knowledge and experiences

Non-contextualized Resources:

ƒ The Language of Documents-A Guide to Information Display in the Workplace
ƒ Document Use Refresher for Apprentices (Module 2)
ƒ Applied Communication Skills for the Construction Trades

Contextualized Resources:

ƒ IPT’s Safety First Handbook (Book One)

Technical Resources:

ƒ Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service, Canadian Edition
ƒ Automotive Technology: A Systems Approach, 4 th Edition (with CD Rom)^
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090105d- Automotive Service Technician-Disc Brake
Systems-Brake Systems-First Period
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090105e-Automotive Service Technician-Power
Brakes- Brake Systems-First Period
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090201s-Automotive Service Technician-Engine
Diagnosis- Engines-Second Period
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090305a-Automotive Service Technician-Diesel Fuel
Injection Systems (Mechanical)-Diesel Fuel Systems-Third Period

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