Essential Skills Manual - Automotive Service Technician

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Automotive Service Technician
NOC 7321

Page 138

Automotive Service Technician
NOC 7321

DU2 Use Tables

Upon completion of this objective, learners will be able to:

2.1 define tables
2.2 identify purpose
2.3 locate information in tables
2.4 interpret information in tables
2.5 create tables
2.6 evaluate tables for effectiveness

Suggested Strategies and Activities:

ƒ Brainstorm to identify the use of tables in the Automotive Service trade
ƒ Create tables to sort and separate materials, supplies and equipment
ƒ Discuss various types of data sheets used in the trade
ƒ Analyze tables and determine degree of difficulty (i.e., simple or complex)
ƒ Examine structure and components of a variety of tables
ƒ Encourage learners to share their knowledge and experiences

Non-contextualized Resources:

ƒ Applied Communication Skills for the Construction Trades
ƒ Workplace Communications-The Basics, 3rd Edition (Chapter 3)

Contextualized Resources:

ƒ IPT’s Safety First Handbook (Book One)

Technical Resources:

ƒ Individual Learning Module 090102b-Automotive Service Technician- Gas Metal
Arc Welding (GMAW) (MIG Welding)-Safe Use of Oxyacetylene and GMAW
Welding Equipment-First Period
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090101d & e-Automotive Service Technician-
Fastening Devices Materials, Tools, and Safety-First Period
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090105g-Automotive Service Technician-Antilock
Brakes-Brake Systems-First Period
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090203b-Automotive Service Technician-Electrical
Circuits- Electrical II-Second Period
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090301e-Automotive Service Technician-Advanced
Electrical Schematics-Electrical III-Third Period
ƒ Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service, Canadian Edition
ƒ Auto Fundamentals

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