
(Sean Pound) #1

How To Make Money With This e-Book

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Here is a simple way that you can begin today by promoting this e-book and earning a
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After you get started with this ebook, you can choose from any of over 10,000 other
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NOTE: If you didn’t download your free bonus: “101 SuperTips: Internet Marketing
Gems from Harvey Segal” you should do so now. This book is filled with great advice
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STEP 1:Get Your Free Clickbank Nickname
Anyone can join ClickBank®as an affiliate - it’s free. Sign up with Clickbank and get
your nickname here:http://hop.clickbank.net/hop.cgi?yourpower/ezsignup

STEP 2:Place Your Nickname Into This Link
Your link to sell this e-book is http://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate-id/yourpowerwhere you
replace “affilate-id” with your new Clickbank nickname. For example, if your Clickbank
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