
(Sean Pound) #1

success. These are SECRETS. They have been hidden from the general population
for a reason. Now that they are going to be revealed to you, please honor them and
take them seriously.

Now LISTEN. This is very important. Even though I know thousands (if not millions) of
people will eventually read this material, only a select few will actually implement it.
Why? Because even though the Million Dollar Income Stream will flow into your life
effortlessly and naturally, it does require some EFFORT on your part - only initially.
After you set up the system (in your mind), it will be completely natural and effortless.

So, I invite you to be one of the FEW who will USE this priceless information. Do what
needs to be done initially and then, reap the rewards for the rest of your life. Now,
these are the EXACTsteps to create a Permanent Million Dollar Income Stream in
your life NOW...

Step one:You must first eliminate all doubt from your being. Eliminate all hate, elimi-
nate all sorrow, eliminate all excuses. In short, you must BELIEVE that this will work
for you, because it will. So, step one - have faith that as you do this, it will work.
Believe that it will work for you and it will.

Step two:You must take only 15 minutes a day to be by yourself (alone) to perform
the MILLIONAIRE EXERCISE. I don’t care if you have to go into your closet or bath-
room and lock the door - but you must do it. Don’t question it, just do it.

Step three:You must close your eyes and repeat the following verbatim (word for
word) - preferably out-loud for the entire 15 minutes. “Every minute of every day, mil-
lions of dollars flow to me now... instantly, effortlessly, naturally now.”

Step four:You must repeat that statement over and over and over again in a rhyth-
mic manner for at least 15 minutes of every day for a two month period.

Step five:After the two month period of doing that everyday, you must set a goal of
exactly what amount of money you want to have. For example, if you want
$1,468,920.00 you must start using this amount in your statements. So, you would say

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