
(Sean Pound) #1

exercised, is called Wealth Consciousness. It is available to all people equally and can
be developed by and within all people equally. Like everything else that is important to
our being alive, such as air, wealth consciousness is free to all. But you can choose to
develop it or not develop it, or to exercise it or not. At any time, you can change your
choice, and nothing outside of you can stop you.

You require nothing outside of yourself to increase your wealth consciousness, and
therefore your money. All you need is within you right now. You may have forgotten it,
but it is right there. You will now remember it. And the first step to that is to always
remember that money is not real; it is the shadow of something else.

And here is another secret: Wealth consciousness is simply the expansion of your con-
sciousness and awareness into the wealthy parts of your Self. That is why all that you
need to increase your wealth consciousness is within you already. You are already
wealthy, but you have been taught to choose to not experience your wealth. This
insight changes everything. Like the wealthy people, you can now know how to and
choose to start experiencing the wealthy you.

You have more wealth capability within you than you can possibly experience in a life-
time. You need not worry that you have reached your limit of becoming wealthy in any
way or because of any condition. Neither do you need to know how to convert wealth
consciousness into paper cash money - as you will see, it will happen automatically. All
you need to do is expand your wealth consciousness and exercise it, act on it, be it,
and the situations and opportunities for the equivalent conversion into cash money will
present themselves automatically to you. None of the extremely wealthy people today
could have, at the time when they were not wealthy, possibly predicted and planned
the exact sequence of events that would lead to their immense wealth. They most
probably had a set of goals and a plan, but any one of them will tell you that they met
countless “coincidences” and opportunities that “joined the dots” for them in ways they
could never have predicted. Their goals were their own doing, but the paths that led to
them coming into being, and exceeding them, were amazingly intelligent yet unfore-
seen. You shall now see how to make them happen in your life - you may not be able
to predict their sequence, but you can certainly make these “fortunate coincidences”
happen to you every day of your life.

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