
(Sean Pound) #1

Mind Power Hypnosis Script

for Unending Prosperity

by Alan Tutt

Using Mind Power to attract money is really no different from using Mind Power to cre-
ate any other experience in life. The principles are the same.

  1. You have to have a strong connection to Power, 2) You have to use a clear focus of
    mind to direct Power towards creating what you want, and 3) You have to have faith in
    what you are doing.

There are other conditions that help with the process, but these are the core conditions
that must exist before anything can be done with Mind Power. Most people have a
problem with one or more of those conditions, which is why their efforts to attract
money into their lives fail more often than they succeed. In hypnosis, all of these con-
ditions can be controlled and developed.

If you think about the process that most traditions teach regarding how to develop your
Mind Power abilities, they usually stress meditation, affirmations, or complicated rituals
and/or visualizations. These developmental exercises create the same conditions as
hypnosis, but are much weaker at creating change. With hypnosis, you can use a
much deeper level of mind, closer to the Source of Power. This makes all of your
efforts work better.

The following is a sample of how to use hypnosis to tap into the Source of Mind Power
to attract money and a steady flow of prosperity. The best way to use this script is to
record yourself speaking it and then listen to the recording. By following a recording,
you are able to allow yourself to drift into deeper levels of mind, closer to the Source of
Power. When you use your recording, you will want to set aside plenty of time to focus
on the words of the script and visualize what they are describing. Try to imagine the
images being described, and try to make those images be your entire reality. If you can
focus on the script to the point where you are not aware of your physical surroundings,
then you will have tapped deep into Power.

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