
(Sean Pound) #1

You will soon notice a door. This door leads to the Source of all Power. Just being out-
side the door, you can feel the incredible Power radiating from within. You may open
the door and walk through now.

The sense of Power here is almost overwhelming. But you are quickly getting used to
it. You are starting to absorb the Power that is thick in the air here, you are breathing it
in which each breath that you take. Every time you breathe in, you are taking more and
more Power into your being, and each time you breathe out, that Power is becoming a
part of you. This Power that you are breathing in is transforming you, giving you more
abilities and Powers.

Soon, you notice that one of your new abilities is a sense of connection to everything
in the universe. More and more information is available to your mind. You are getting
smarter, wiser, and better at making judgments and analyzing information. This will
come in handy when you want to check out new business deals and money making
opportunities. You will have an uncanny sense of what will be profitable and want to
avoid. You understand now that the best way to make money is to offer the world
something it needs. You understand that when you offer the world a good thing at a
good price, you can make as much money as you want. And with each breath that you
take, this connection with the universe is getting stronger and more reliable. Breathe in
even more Power and let this new ability become a permanent part of you.

Now, you are noticing another new ability. You are able to focus your mind much better
than you were ever able to before. You can make firm decisions and not be distracted
by unimportant details. This new ability will be very important when working in business
and creating unending prosperity. This new ability will also be important when you are
directing Power to create specific conditions. And with each breath that you take, your
ability to focus your mind gets better and better. Breathe in more Power and let this
enhancement become a permanent part of you.

While we are here now, we will also use the unlimited Power that is available to you to
create a money magnet that will bring money into your life from every possible direc-
tion. If you will look around, you will notice a strange looking machine. Walk over to
that machine, and you feel the Power getting stronger and stronger. You will notice that

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