
(Sean Pound) #1

Manifesting Success With Consciousness

by Remez Sasson

For a long time you have longed to own a big, shiny, beautiful red car. Now it is parked
in front of your house. It has a lot of space inside, it is comfortable, and it has many
gadgets. You immensely enjoy and love driving it. Do you notice the special smell that
is inside it, which is unique to new cars? Do you feel the joy that rises in you, while
watching the admiring faces of your friends and neighbors?

How do you feel now, after reading the above description? Pay attention to this feeling.
For a few seconds you probably felt great, then your mind started to react, and said,
"Yes, I like the thought, but these things never happen in real life. It is just a daydream".
Now all the magic is gone. Your mind spoiled the magic feeling and the dream.

You can to let your daydreams and fantasies go on without destroying them. Do not
comment negatively about them or throw them away as useless and groundless. When
ending a daydream, move away to other thoughts, without criticism or comments. Must
you say some negative words about your daydreams and show your disbelief in their
being realized? Go on with your life as it is, but when you daydream or fantasize, do
not destroy the dream by denying it the possibility of materializing.

Do not worry that believing in your dreams will turn you into an unpractical, dreamy
sort of person. Let them motivate and inspire you, and you will become a more practi-
cal and successful person.

How did you feel when you received the key to your new apartment or the key to your
new car? How did you feel when you were at the airport, going on your long coveted
vacation? What kind of feeling did you experience when you got a promotion at your
job or when you succeeded in a project? How did you feel when you recuperated from
an illness? Try to recapture the feelings and relive the happy moments, because there
is great power in them.

The feelings that accompany success are very important. Remember and relive the
feelings that accompanied your past successes, because they are the magic of the

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