
(Sean Pound) #1

You may look at this process as if it is a game. Put aside your doubts for a while. Treat
these inner actions in a spirit of a game, fun and challenge. This is a serious subject, but
by having fun with it, you reduce your tension, and are enabled to put forth more energy
in a positive manner. Enjoy this process, and you will be surprised at the outcome.

It is quite possible to put the focus on feelings and not only on thoughts. Feelings, if
strong enough, cause things to happen, even if the related thought is only in the back-
ground. If the feelings and emotions are strong, and connected to an event or an
object, this event or object becomes a fact. Those who have difficulty in visualizing pic-
tures will certainly appreciate this approach.

Think about your life, and you will find out that there were times that you had a certain-
ty about something, without really trying intentionally to bring it about, and that thing
happened. It might have been something positive and good or something else that was
to your detriment. If you accept and follow what you have read here, you will be able to
use this ability consciously.

What you have read so far is actually about the power of creative visualization and
thinking, but focusing more on feelings and consciousness, rather than on images and
thoughts. Think about what you have read, and try to put it into practice. Let abun-
dance and success enter your life.

Remez Sasson, author of “Will power and Self-Discipline” and “Visualize
and Achieve,” writes and teaches about spiritual growth, meditation, positive
thinking, creative visualization and mind power. For his articles and books, visit his
website, “Success Consciousness,” at http://www.mindpowernews.com/success.htm

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