
(Sean Pound) #1

greater degree of turnaround. I am truly blessed, manifesting abundance in all areas of
my life, in ever increasing ways.

This only happened because I was willing to confront my weaknesses, discover and
eliminate the insidious “lack” programming I had, and replace it with positive program-
ming. To this day, I am ever vigilant, mindful of what I allow myself to watch and listen
to, and the people I associate with.

I had to get out of my comfort zone, brave fears, and face up to my beliefs. Once you
have done this, you feel called to help others challenge the self-limiting beliefs that are
holding them back from their greatness. That was the motivation I felt that morning, as
I spoke at church, and the motivation that has me writing this book for you now.

Money is part of the magic in life. It is an enabling force that allows you to be the real
you. It allows you to go where you wish to go, do what you wish to do, and become
whom you desire to become. Money is God in action!

Poverty causes people to lie, cheat, steal, and even kill. There is NOTHING spiritual
about poverty. Yes, poverty really does suck.

Some of the people in my audiences are shocked when I make the statement that it is
a sin to be poor. Of course, Charles Fillmore shocked the religious community of his
day, when he made that proclamation almost 100 years ago. It still has the power to
stun people today.

Yet if you learn the actual translation of sin, it means to “miss the mark.” The Course in
Miracles defines sin as a lack of love. I believe both characterizations are accurate.

When you are providing true value to the universe—you are rewarded with riches.
That’s the way the universe works. All the time, with no exception.

When I speak to an audience, or write a book like this, I want people to understand a
very simple, but very important thing. They can’t help anyone unless they have first
helped themselves. Or as Reverend Ike would say, the best thing you can do for poor

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