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(Nora) #1

Start visualizing your ideal lifestyle and believe in it enough to make it
happen... because it will!

  1. FoCUs on the FInIsh: CReAte YoUR BhAg
    “A true BHAG is clear and compelling, and acts as a catalyst to
    work towards a clear finish line so the organization can know when
    it has achieved the goal; people like to shoot for finish lines.”
    ~ Collins and Porras - Built to Last: Successful Habits
    of Visionary Companies

Now that you’ve been using your imagination more to see the end point
of how you see your lifestyle coming together, it’s time to create a Big
Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) for your life.

I created my BHAG a while back when I realized what could be done
for tennis players around the world with the use of my skills, experience,
and the internet. I became clear, I dared to dream big, and I decided that
I would help 1 million tennis players around the world improve their
tennis games and their lives.

Can you begin to see how this kind of BHAG would inspire and mo-
tivate you? It sure works to motivate me! Each day I get closer to my
BHAG, AND I get to reap the rewards of more resources that flow into
my life, which enables me to create my ideal lifestyle as well.

This is why I want to motivate you to find a BHAG that will serve as a
catalyst to your success in lifestyle design.

  • Fast-forward into the future - 10 years - what is possible
    for you?

  • Who are you helping?

  • How are you making a difference in the world?

  • How many people have you reached?

  • How does this make you feel and what kind of rewards
    come with it?

Dare to make your BHAG so far-fetched that even you can’t believe it’s
possible to attain. It doesn’t have to feel “possible” right now. Be ready
to stretch your mind, shake up your confidence level, and you’ll love the
self-inspired action that comes of it.

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