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(Nora) #1

the sIngle Most IMPoRtAnt FACtoR

To have a successful marriage, you need to find out what the Drivers
are (I will explain to you in the next paragraph what I mean by Driv-
ers) that control and direct your relationship in your married life. These
Drivers live in your subconscious mind. Most people are not aware of
the existence of those Drivers; however, they are deeply rooted at a
subconscious level and from there, they will control and direct your life
in general, and your relationships in particular; especially powerfully
impacting the way you behave in your marriage.

WhAt ARe the DRIveRs?

What I call the Drivers are the “I want” and the “I need” forces that we
all have operating in our subconscious mind. According to the renowned
psychologist Abraham Maslow, there are six needs or Drivers. Some of
them have to do with the protection and preservation of your physical
body, such as the urge to drink or eat when we are thirsty or hungry;
other Drivers are involved in maintaining your personal growth as well
as contributing to helping others. But only four of all of the Drivers,
which I call the Psychological Drivers, are important to be understood
by you in order to have a good relationship in your marital life.

the nAMes oF the DRIveRs

I have created names for each of the four Psychological Drivers. Those
names closely resemble the way they influence our behavior.

These four Drivers are:

  • The “Gregarious”

  • The “Unique”

  • The “Diversifier”

  • The “Cautious”

We all are influenced by each one of these four Drivers; some of them
tend to be very strong in your life, while others are rather weak in direct-
ing your behavior.

The two strongest Drivers are the ones that will most impact the way
you think, the way you speak and the way you conduct yourself in your

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