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(Nora) #1

you don’t get a do-over. Give and live with passion and do it on your
terms! Don’t be swayed by what others think you should or should not
do; be guided by your conscience. You are made in the image of God,
so among many attributes, you are a creative being designed to express
that to your utmost capacity! Get out and do what He designed you for!
As you live out your potential, your energy will radiate and excite those
around you.

One of the greatest, most attractive aspects of the USA is our unprec-
edented freedom! It is both a blessing and a responsibility bestowed on
us. First, it was fought for and died for; “freedom isn’t free” as the lyr-
ics of the song we sang in elementary school say. We now need to con-
tinue fighting and dying for the freedom of posterity. Second, we need
to maximize our use of our freedoms and live lustrous lives for the sake
of our Creator, our loved ones, the world and ourselves. It is actually
irresponsible to waste our lives underperforming when we have the un-
limited creative capacity of our mind, and total control of that one thing.

I was startled by this realization around 2006 when an addict living on
the street berated me saying I owed him! What? I didn’t owe him what
he suggested, but I realized at that point, we all do need each other, and
as such owe each other considerations as an integrated society. I recall
servicing the home of a Silicon Valley Executive and founder of a ma-
jor corporation here. We were standing in his driveway just talking and
he paused and said, “You know Regan, we are all valuable; I can’t do
what you do and my wife was not sleeping due to this problem.” I replied,
“Thanks. I can’t do what you do either.” No matter what your skills and
dreams, you have an integral and important role in this life; dare to dream!

The USA is founded on the belief that all men are created equal and
endowed with certain unalienable rights. With each right is an equal and
opposite responsibility. We have great freedom and pleasure from that
and responsibility to share and spread it to all mankind. We must press
beyond our borders and particularly beyond the walls in our minds. Just
today I read a great Facebook post from a photo someone took of a
marquee, which said, “Don’t believe everything you think.” One of my
favorite mentors, Tim Ferriss (Author of what I call the 4 hour Trilogy:
The 4 Hour Work Week, The 4 Hour Body, & The 4 Hour Chef) spurred
me on to test my assumptions which directly resulted in my inclusion in

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