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(Nora) #1

Before you start living these 4 pillars in your life though, there is one
thing that you need to do, and this could be most difficult part of discov-
ering your path to success.

I know people who have been searching for this one thing their whole
life and never found it, I also know children as young as 3 or 4 who
found it instantly. In my opinion, for you to achieve success you need
to focus on this ONE THING, and then the four pillars will be easy to
live by.


In my opinion the number one thing stopping you from achieving the
success that you deserve in your life is that you haven’t discovered your
purpose. You need to commit your time, energy, and focus to discover-
ing your purpose so that you can succeed.

Now, I’m going to be straight with you, discovering your purpose for
some people is easy and for others it’s difficult. The reality is that once
you’ve discovered your purpose, and you start ethically living it, suc-
cess is sure to follow. Unfortunately there’s not a one size fits all when it
comes to discovering your purpose, I can’t tell you to sit in a quiet room
and think, or go for a walk and it will just come to you.

Each of us needs to make the journey to discovering our purpose differ-
ently, but the one piece of advice that I can give you is that when you
make discovering your purpose the number one priority in your life, you
will discover it, without question.

So stop focusing on just surviving, stop focusing on the economy, stop
focusing on less meaningful areas of your life and focus on discovering
your purpose. When you have done this, you are well on your way.

I know that this chapter may have been COMPLETELY different than
what you may have expected from a lawyer. I’m sure you were expect-
ing logical and persuasive arguments, but understanding that all rela-
tionships (which is what business is all about), and all trust-based deci-
sions, flow from the heart and not the head; I thought it important to
share this with you. The understanding and applying these pillars have
been an important component in achieving my personal and business

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