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(Nora) #1

sistency, you can gain an understanding greater than 90% of the people
in the world. This understanding will provide greater opportunity, allow
you to view your subject from multiple perspectives, past and future,
local and global. It will help you create your own perspective. The more
you know, the more you can play jazz.

Choose WoRk WIselY

Just because you like a subject or industry, it doesn’t mean it’s a good
business idea. It’s a lot more fun working on a successful business than
a failing business in an industry that you like. Give real thought to the
directions that you choose, as it will impact your life profoundly. Find
mentors, interview people in the field, study market trends. Don’t be
afraid to change course.

UnDeRstAnD hoW We sell eveRY DAY

Selling is not about the object or even money, selling is about the ex-
change of ideas. You see value in an idea and you must present a case to
another human being that your idea should be adopted. We sell all the
time. As babies, we are cute to survive; as we get older we sell to make
friends, to get a date, a job, a raise, or better service. The misconception
is that selling and buying is about the item. When we buy, we are not
buying the item, we are buying the feeling that we perceive the item will
give us. Selling is a skill that becomes easier when you start to under-
stand it. The only way to live in this world without selling is to be in a
coma. And then again, you will have sold the world on the idea that you
are immobile, still alive and requiring care.

WoRk hARDeR thAn AnYone else

Coasting at work is a recipe for disaster, and mostly a sign that you are
doing something that you don’t really want to do. Your employers can
sense your lack of interest and will either ignore you or place you on the
bottom of their plans for advancement. We all end up in situations where
the job isn’t perfectly suited to our long-term goals and expectations;
don’t let it be a total waste of time. Doing your best and working harder
than your peers creates amazing opportunity and helps you get the best
out of sub-par work situations. Most people are lazy – which presents an
amazing opportunity to be exceptional.

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