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(Nora) #1

You are no longer working. Your health is changing. You can no longer
afford to take the risk you could when you were working. If retirement
represents a significant change in you life, don’t you think your portfo-
lio should make some significant changes also? Most of my clients have
one thing in common. They have enough money to live out the rest of
their lives very comfortably as long as one thing doesn’t happen. That
is, THEY LOSE IT! Losing money at this stage of their life should not
be an option for most folks. Keeping what you’ve worked all your life to
build so that you and your spouse can live out the rest of your lives (and
not have to move in with your kids) is far more important that taking
unnecessary risks just to try and earn 2% or 3% more.


sUCCess In RetIReMent

Success in retirement is not about how much money you have or the
next hot stock tip. It is more about having that piece of mind that you
can enjoy the things you love to do. It can be about trips, grandkids,
family and friends. The idea that you can do these things and not worry
about running out of money and being a burden on your kids, is price-
less. I have had clients that tried the Wall Street way of retirement, with
all of its ups and downs, only to find out that if they had only taken a less
risky approach they could have done as well with none of the anxiety
and stress. I am a big believer in the old Tortoise and Hare story. Slow
and steady will still get you to the end of the race without all of the
stress. You are only at halftime in this game of life and you know that
no one ever remembers the halftime score. It is the score at the end of
the game and the winner that everyone remembers. It is of the utmost
importance that you at least develop a game plan that will make you a

I wish you a HAPPY RETIREMENT!!!

Michael A. Davis is an Investment Adviser Representative with Global Financial Private Capital, LLC,
a SEC Registered Investment Adviser. Guarantees are not provided by Global Financial Private Capital but
by the issuing insurance company and are based on the issuing company’s financial strength.

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