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(Nora) #1

poorer materials every time resulting in fewer customers that exponen-
tially keep getting worse. In all honesty, I am amazed at the companies
being built on this philosophy.

The best shining example is of course the great American discounter,
Walmart. As of this writing, Walmart had its employees walk out on
them on black Friday demanding bigger wages and better benefits, but
unfortunately I think Walmart cannot provide that as their business
model doesn’t allow for raises, because that would mean raising prices
on products. Walmart is stuck with a “boatload” of discounted stuff that
now they can’t even move.

Being a real leader then, is a little more intense. Competitors and law-
suits constantly breathe down your neck and there’s little room for error.
In this position, taking an example from others is no longer an option
and it is time to invent something other than the wheel.

Innovation is now the name of the game. Leaders are there for a reason

  • to lead the pack, and of course, are rewarded generously by the public
    for doing so. In the leader position, branding turns into a whole new
    department called “Brand Management.” Every innovation, every great
    new idea needs to go through this department before getting into the
    hands of the public. It is very important that this department has a say in
    the launch of products, because otherwise there is no reason of having
    one, just get a designer to slap your logo on everything you make.

Brand management departments are like little full-fledged branding
agencies within your company except that their job is not on demand,
but ongoing. Monitoring industry trends, speaking to early adapters, or-
ganizing think-tank groups, testing and using your very own products is
the daily routine of such departments. In essence they become your tar-
get market and if they find an issue with one of your products, it should
ring a bell or two if not sound an alarm.

Branding therefore is an ongoing process. It requires ongoing attention
and supervision. It is not superstition but instead a part of your success.
If your marketing department can dream up a concept, then branding
can enhance it, polish it and make it work better than your best expecta-
tions. Just make sure you find a specialist that fits your needs perfectly,
because there are only two types of branding – excellent branding or no
branding – and nothing in between.

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