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(Nora) #1

About Siou Foon Lee

Siou-Foon was at a crossroads in her life after devoting herself
to a satisfying high school teaching career and motherhood,
and she decided it was time for self-development. Apprecia-
tive of the knowledge and heritage that came with her ances-
tors’ discoveries; she was drawn to Chinese metaphysics study
and went back to her roots to find out more. She studied Qi healing and went on to
lecture in this field. Chinese healing ensures that Qi flowing freely and evenly will
energise us. She learnt that a poor environment can adversely affect us. From there,
she moved on to understand that this same energy governs the landscape and all
aspects of life. This realisation sparked her interest in digging deeper into ancient
methodology. She learnt that Qi balancing benefits one person, but Feng Shui benefits
one whole household.

She left full time employment to follow her passion. Her choice of a Feng Shui career
paid off when she was subsequently named the Australian representative, facilita-
tor and professional trainer by an international Feng Shui organisation. She hosted
numerous seminars for the principals, contributing further to the spread of traditional
Feng Shui. She was chosen to speak in Germany at The First Classical Feng Shui
World Conference after attaining mastery level. Besides being named the best stu-
dent, Siou-Foon also won another prestigious honour that launched her respected
international reputation when her peers selected her as the most helpful student.

A firm believer that “learning is a life long journey” she continued her passion for Chi-
nese metaphysics, studying Yin and Yang House Feng Shui and also Zi Ping Astrology.
The first step taken in 1994 on this journey never stopped. Wanting to taste natural
spring water, she continued to find its source. She found drinking pure and crystal
clear water so rewarding. The desire to acquire more knowledge drove her on to learn
with masters who taught her to uncover the true depth and authenticity of these an-
cient practices. In her second wave of learning, she has had the ultimate privilege and
good fortune to advance and seek more truths in such a complex environment. This
is where Siou-Foon shares her values, integrity and dedication to the art of Feng Shui
as practiced by these highly qualified but low profile masters from a long impressive
lineage. Their extensive case studies and research speaks of their dedication and
passion to preserve an ancient science.

Siou-Foon has appeared on SBS (Special Broadcasting Service, Australia) as a Chi-
nese Massage Therapist. She is recognised for pioneering traditional Feng Shui in
Australia. Over the years, Siou Foon introduced Feng Shui to TV viewers and ra-

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