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(Nora) #1

YOUR biggest challenge, THE biggest obstacle, is the SPEAKER in
the mirror! It is YOU!!!... The most important lesson you will ever learn
about reaching the coveted Million Dollar mark is this: The hardest sale
of your life is the one to yourself! No customer objections will be as insur-
mountable as your own excuses as to why you can’t reach your next target
revenue goal, on your way to the coveted yet elusive Million Dollar mark.

I had great objections; my first language is NOT English, how could
anyone pay me to speak if I can’t speak and pronounce proper Eng-
lish? I have no formal speaker training! Of course, the economy was
in shambles and unemployment was high. It was an election year and
hearing Ronald Reagan deliver a brilliant speech really had me believ-
ing that it was NOT possible, I couldn’t do it! Besides, the most I had
ever earned for an hour as a ‘top flight’ consultant was $200. Why
would anyone in their right mind pay me an unbelievable $10,000 to
hear my crummy speech?

In that self-pity frame of mind, I heard Earl Nightingale speak the radio-
active words, “You are where you are, because that is where you really
want to be, whether you’ll admit that or not!” Not easy words to hear,
particularly if your life is falling apart.

I managed to overcome my objections with the help of my best friend
and mentor, my Dad. I began to understand how to chip away at my
excuses and how to turn my objections into powerful reasons why I am
worth a million. My mental breakthrough happened after I called him
and said, “Dad, I am an idiot...” To which he quickly responded, “You
are probably right, but tell me, what’s wrong?” It was the conversation
of a lifetime; he brought me to understand the biggest lesson of my
career: The hardest sale you will ever make is the one to yourself. If
you can’t convince yourself, you don’t have the backbone to convince
anyone else. People will pay exactly what you believe in your gut you
are worth and not a penny more. Ask yourself this question: Am I worth
a MILLION? Your honest true-to-your-heart answer to that question is
precisely the reason your income is what it is.

You are probably asking, how do I take this sort of abstract knowledge
and create clear actionable steps that will help me make the shift? I
agree, the knowledge that your income is directly connected to your
self-worth is true, but what do you do about it?

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