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(Nora) #1

They decided that if they retired now they would sell their home in
an affluent suburb of Illinois and buy a smaller home in Arizona. We
reworked the plan numbers, and as it turned out, both of them were able
to retire and they moved to Arizona. If they had not been saving and
planning for this day, albeit a little premature (10 years), they would not
have been able to do this.

That was 25 years ago! They travel the world. They spend summers in
the mountains of Arizona and the rest of the year in their beautiful home
in Mesa. They send me a beautiful poinsettia every Christmas to thank
me for helping them make their dreams come true. What a great job
I have!

We tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. It is
our job to tell them what the future might look like before they make
what could be the most important financial decision of their lives –

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