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an emergency? Will I be able help out my kids if they need me; or leave
them money one day?” Our company’s philosophy is a simple one: If
you can afford to live your lifestyle comfortably, whatever that means to
you, and minimize or eliminate risk with your investments, you should
do just that.

It’s important that your advisor is not restricted in the investment or in-
surance products that they can offer you. Otherwise, how do you know
you are getting truly unbiased advice and if the recommendations are
in your best interests? We work for our clients, not a company. Once
we understand our clients’ needs, wants, and goals, we shop the entire
market place and place them with the best company that helps them ac-
complish just that. Again, it’s imperative that the advisor you choose is
not restricted in the products or investment they can offer you.

  1. UnDeRstAnDIng RIsk AnD WhY FInAnCIAl
    ADvIsoRs ReCoMMenD WhAt theY Do

Would you go to Vegas and gamble with your life savings? How ridicu-
lous does that sound? Yet people are doing the same thing every day in
the stock market and with their IRA’s, 401k’s, 403b’s, college plans, and
other various retirement plans. If your current financial advisor is a stock-
broker, wealth manager, or the investment person at a bank, the reality is
that you probably have most or all of your monies at risk. Why is that?
Because they sell stock market products. Let me ask you this: “If we stop
at the Porsche dealership in your town and wait a few minutes, a salesman
is going to come over to us and try to sell us what? A Porsche, of course.”
Wealth managers and most investment advisors sell stocks, bonds, and
mutual funds. Put simply, they specialize in stock market products, risk,
and they add a dose of optimism to make the risk in any market condi-
tion acceptable to the investor. This is what they specialize in, investment
growth and risk in the stock market.

Now what if you needed or wanted an insurance product such as a fixed
annuity or life insurance? They will pull out of their drawer the one or
two insurance companies’ products that they are allowed to offer you. The
danger in this is that it may NOT be the best product for you, but this is all
they have to offer their clients. It’s similar to asking that Porsche salesman
for a family station wagon. That’s not their specialty, but they will still
try to sell you something. Likewise stockbrokers, wealth advisors, and

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