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(Nora) #1

structured differently. When structured properly, it can be a powerful
asset to any portfolio for Estate Planning protection and/or income plan-
ning needs. Be sure to find a qualified, experienced specialist. If it’s not
designed properly, there could be tax and debt collateral consequences.
Not everyone can qualify for these types of policies and investments.

In conclusion, twenty-first century asset protection calls for more than
just strategic asset allocation. Product allocation and buying instru-
ments that can protect your monies from market declines throughout re-
tirement is an effective means of protecting assets. Because the market
does not provide security, you’re going to want your financial strategies
to include some secured income products, such as annuities, which are
insurance products with guarantees, to provide a source of supplemen-
tal income throughout your retirement. Diversifying your retirement as-
sets among a variety of vehicles, both through insurance products and
investments, depending on what is appropriate for your situation, may
offer you the best chance of meeting your retirement income goals and
getting that better night’s sleep.

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