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(Nora) #1

bee that can guarantee our success and ultimate victory are highlighted
in the following reflections.

ContRol WhAt YoU CAn ContRol

I can remember the first time I mentioned out loud that I was going to
become a successful businessman. Eyebrows were raised, giggles broke
the silence, and doubt seemed to suck the air right out of the room.
There were too many reasons to count why people thought I could not
be successful. Maybe the reason was because it was rare for someone
in my neighborhood to actually make it out with a smile on their face.
Perhaps it was because I wasn’t seen as being overly-gifted in the class-
room. Or maybe it was because they thought I didn’t have all the re-
sources I needed in order to build a business. No matter the reason, like
the bumblebee, I did not realize I wasn’t supposed to be successful, so
I went after my dreams without being concerned about what others said
is impossible or beyond my means. The early lesson learned was that I
needed to do the best I could with what I had at the time. I could not con-
trol everyone’s thoughts and opinions, but I could control my response.
As a result of ignoring someone else’s logic, I have been able to serve
thousands through my consulting practice across the country and host a
radio show that is featured in 7 major cities.

IF A hAMMeR Is the onlY tool YoU hAve, then
eveRY PRoBleM WIll look lIke A nAIl

After careful reflection and an honest review of my life journey thus far,
it became apparent that all my failures can be attributed to one source; my
ego. Having a certain level of self-confidence can serve a person well, but
not at the expense of growth and maturity. I let the circumstances of envi-
ronment convince me that unless I won the game, finished in first place,
led the team in points, or had the last word in a spirited debate, it was
pointless to even compete. The sacrifices I’ve made to put myself in a po-
sition to win have produced personal and professional gains, but the costs
for this mindset have been painful life lessons. My reflection unveiled for
me the truth behind all the experiences I should have had along my life
journey but completely missed them. I missed my daughter’s first word, I
failed to visit my mom as often as I should have while she was alive, and
I completely missed the boat on the importance of patience and balance.
I had become accustomed to attacking every challenge, every issue, and
every goal with my trusty hammer in hand. The problem I now realize

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