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(Nora) #1

process that combines and compounds basic economic principals, cur-
rent U.S. tax laws and life insurance contractual guarantees to help you
build wealth safely and predictably in any economic environment. Plus,
it helps everyone, young or old, to wean away from the dependence and
bondage of the banks and credit card companies.

One individual in her mid 50’s learned of this concept when she read
Pamela Yellen’s book, Bank On Yourself. She came into my office to tell
me that she had heard about this concept years ago through her father.
She finally discovered what her father had been doing all along, but he
was never able to clearly explain it to her before he passed away. She
said her father was a physician and was always borrowing money from
himself and paying himself back. He simply called it his own bank.
When she married, her father lent the money to pay cash for the newly-
wed couple’s house and then had them set up a mortgage payment plan
to pay him back, with interest, just like a mortgage bank would have
done. She said that they agreed on the terms that were convenient for
all three of them and prepared an amortization schedule over a specified
number of years.

Not only did this allow her to purchase the home with a favorable inter-
est rate, but she was also able to pay the loan back on manageable terms.
Little did she know that every loan payment she was making back to her
father was going back into his life insurance policy to replenish the cash
value and the death benefit. You see, she was the sole beneficiary of her
father’s life insurance policy. In her case, she was a double recipient of
this concept. First, when her father loaned her the money for the house
and second, when she received the tax free death benefit from the life
insurance policy when her father passed away

She never quite understood what he was doing but after reading and
learning about this concept, she immediately came in to my office to set
up a plan like this for her family’s financing needs.

The system of becoming your own banker will enable you to enjoy true
financial security that comes from knowing you have a stable foundation
and an account balance that is only going to grow. You can plan with
some accuracy the amount of money you will have at various milestones
in life as well as your retirement years. Will this system make you rich
overnight? Absolutely not. Does this system have the ability to give you

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