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(Nora) #1

What’s my story? I entered the world of online marketing for one rea-
son; I wanted to be a Dad and husband who could spend as much time
as I wanted with my family. You see, just 5 years ago I was doing very
well in life, I had a corporate job where I spent ten years as a technol-
ogy Consultant and Recruiter. My salary was increasing each year as I
became more of an expert in my field, my benefit package was decent
and my overall lifestyle was what most people would classify as upper
middle class. I want you to know that this is not a “rags to riches story,
I wasn’t homeless or bankrupt or on my last dollar, I thought I had all
the things you need in life. I drove a nice car, had a big beautiful house.

In the early months of 2007, something profound happened to me and it
happens to millions of people every day, my new wife Leah and I found
out we were expecting our first child and it was a girl!. Those of you
who are parents know the journey my wife and I were about to embark
on. This included things like regular doctor’s visits and all the planning
to get ready to welcome our little girl to the world. I used up all my va-
cation time spending time with my wife as her support, it was super ex-
citing and extremely emotional for both of us, I just could not wait to be
a daddy! My daughter Giada Isabella Caliguire was borne on September
28 th 2007; she was an angel from God, the most precious little girl I have
ever laid eyes on. After Giada was born, I asked my boss at the time to
take a couple weeks off so that I could be a dad and supporting husband.
Unfortunately, I did not get the response I was hoping for. At that very
moment I decided to stop giving all I have to my corporation where I
was merely trading my time for a paycheck. Instead I was going to be an
Entrepreneur so that I could get the one thing that mattered most, time to
spend with Giada. This is how it all started; I just wanted to be a daddy!

In five short years I built two online companies. My First Company gen-
erated 4.5 million dollars in five years in Internet marketing consulting
fees coaching small business owners on their Internet Marketing strat-
egy. (I was really just selling my information as a service.) My second
company was an online niche product, outdoor wood-fired pizza ovens.
I built a drop ship company where I held no inventory and generated over
2 million dollars in sales in the first two years. Below are some of the
strategies I used and hope that you do the same, but surpassing me. This
is my way to give back, this is all about YOU.

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