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(Nora) #1

  1. Find a problem And Answer It. The best strategy to further
    your position and brand yourself as an expert in your space is
    to identify the ten most pressing questions your audience has
    and then answer them. If you can publish content or even bet-
    ter, videos that answer the questions people are asking, you
    are immediately the expert. When I was consulting for busi-
    ness owners, the two biggest questions they had for me was
    how could they generate more targeted website traffic to their
    website and convert those visitors to sales. I made videos and
    published content answering those two questions. The videos
    and content all had a call-to-action that pointed back to a con-
    sultation with me. So in short, you are solving the most press-
    ing questions and in return generating business for yourself and
    positioning YOU as the expert.

  2. Create a series of digital products - Positioning, packaging
    and profiting from your online content is fast and profitable,
    here are two reasons you should create, package and promote
    your knowledge.

    • You pay to create it, but after that, there is no production or
      manufacturing costs to cut into your profit. Nor are there
      shipping costs to deliver the product to your clients. Plus,
      your product doesn’t need to be stored in a warehouse—and
      you won’t ever have to worry about running out of stock.
      Online products also infinitely scalable.

    • Digital products are delivered immediately, providing your
      customers with instant gratification, so they can consume
      your product while they’re still in a state of excitement. Most
      importantly, your product can be accessed anywhere in the
      world, instantly.

  3. Build Your Marketing Funnel. Do this correctly and you win!
    Notice how I say funnel and not website. A Marketing Funnel
    is a system that you set up once but works while you sleep 24
    hours a day 7 days a week and it never calls off. It delivers
    your message systematically the exact same way to every one
    of your prospects. Its a way to get prospects to know, like and
    trust you so that they become your fan and paying client. My
    funnel starts with a lead capture page with a bold claim (this is

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