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(Nora) #1

Chapter 8

otABIt’s n oUt

the MoneY

By Christy sMith

I have been very blessed over my lifetime. I have a great family, an ex-
ceptional business and I’m surrounded by outstanding people that have
become a very important part of my life. Unlike many people, I don’t
believe money should be the determining factor of success. In fact, I’m
sure we all have heard of people that have accumulated a tremendous
amount of wealth, but have been extremely unhappy. Some have even
taken their own lives because they found no satisfaction in money. Per-
sonally, I have never allowed money to be a measure my success. Mon-
ey may be a by-product of success, but it doesn’t define success.

Success can be defined in many different ways, but for me success is
about reaching your established goals. I believe I have been success-
ful in life, not just in business. I am achieving my business goals as
well as my personal goals. I don’t think there’s any one thing that can
make any of us successful, but it is a combination of many things, and
finding the right combination is what is important. Overall success is
basically the accumulation of smaller successes throughout our lifetime.
Each success you achieve is leading you to overall success. It takes a
great deal of determination to make that happen, but it’s very achiev-
able. Very honestly, I can’t remember one time when my husband and I
said we were going to do something, that we didn’t accomplish it. That
is because we have learned to set realistic and achievable goals, we set
our minds to it, put in the necessary effort, and watch it happen. I have

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