The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

ethics (cont’d)
methodology 458
moral geographies 478
performance 526
philosophy 531
positivism 559
postmodernity 568
qualitative methods 604
regional geography 636
relativism 641
religion 643
subject/subjectivity 729
values 797
ethnic cleansing
ethnicity 215
fascism 243
genocide 273
terrorism 747
urbicide 794
ethnic democracy214, 217
ageing 13
body 51
census 74
Chicago School 79
contextual effect 110
cultural geography 132
diaspora 159
disability 165
division of labour 170
egalitarianism 187
entrepreneurship 195
environmental justice 201
ethnic democracy 214
exploration 233
federalism 243
feminist geographies 247
Fourth World 263
frontier 264
genocide 272
ghetto 303
health and health care 325
household 346
human geography 351
ideology 367
invasion and succession 395
labour market 405
life expectancy 418
neighbourhood 494
pastoralism 521
population geography 553
quantitative methods 609
recognition 623
rural geography 659
social geography 692, 693
society 702
subject/subjectivity 728
urban geography 785
urban village 791
whiteness 810
zoning 816
ethnoburb 217
ethnocentrism 217
Anglocentrism 28

continents 112
critical theory 126
democracy 151
Eurocentrism 221
geographical imagination 285
Kantianism 400
Marxism 445
Middle East, idea of 461
primitivism 582
situated knowledge 684
stages of growth 721
theory 752
ethnocracy 217
adaptation 8
Chicago School 79
cultural ecology 128
cultural geography 131
economic geography 180
ethnomethodology 219
globalization 311
humanistic geography 357
industrial geography 378
intensive research 389
local knowledge 423
participant observation 520
qualitative methods 603–5
rhetoric 655
taken-for-granted world 741
text 750
thick description 753
travel writing 774
human agency 348
humanistic geography 357
performance 526
qualitative methods 605
vision and visuality 802
Etzioni, Amitai
communitarianism 103
community 104
border 52
free trade area (FTA) 264
Euclid 220
Euclidean space 220
eugenics 616
Euler, Leonhard 316
Anglocentrism 28
colonialism 94
democracy 151
development 155
genocide 273
geographical imagination 285
geography 289
governmentality 314
Malthusian model 434
modernity 471, 473
nation 487
nationalism 488
Occidentalism 508
Other/Otherness 515
psychoanalytic theory 596

racialization 617
refugees 628
situated knowledge 684
theory 752
time–space distanciation 760
tricontinentalism 776
empire 189
enclosure 191
Enlightenment 193–4
Eurocentrism 220
historical demography 331–2
historical geography 332
humanities 358
Middle East, idea of 460
military geography 465
modernity 471
multilateralism 482
nomos 502
Postan thesis 560
Europe, idea of222–3
Africa, idea of 10
America(s) (idea of) 24, 25
Asia (idea of) 37
Austral(as)ia, idea of 39
biopolitics, biopower 48
Brenner thesis 56
Cold War 93
continents 112
contrapuntal geographies 113
critical theory 127
falsification 239
fascism 242
feudalism 249–50
field system 251
genocide 273
industrialization 380
inheritance systems 383
integration 388
situated knowledge 684
stages of growth 720
underclass 779
European Bank for
Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD) 624
European Community (EC) 223
European Community
Household Panel 670
European Economic Community
(EEC) 223
European Union (EU)
devolution 157
Europe, idea of 223
integration 388
neo-liberalism 497
post-socialism 571
regime theory 630
regionalism 639
Second World 670
subsidiarity 731
Evans, Estyn 199
Evans, T. 630
Evans-Pritchard, E. 519
event history analysis 432

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