The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

geographical imagination 284
geography 291
globalization 311
metageography 456
oil 511
policing 545
process 586
regional geography 633
terrorism 748
geographical imagination282–5
Austral(as)ia, idea of 39
geography 295
home 341
region 631
socialism 701
spatiality 717
topography 762
phenomenology 529
geographical societies285–6
education 187
geography 290
geography, history of 296
macrogeography 433
geographically weighted
regression (GWR)286–7
e-social science 210
general linear model
(GLM) 271
local statistics 424
multi-level models 483
point pattern analysis 544
quadrat analysis 603
quantitative methods 610
regression 640
software for quantitative
analysis 704
continents 112
Enlightenment 194
epistemology 207
ethics 212
Eurocentrism 221
humanities 358–9
idiographic 368
Kantianism 399
militarism 464
military geography 465
philosophy 530
realism 623
science/science studies 666–7
instrumentation 668–9
situated knowledge 684
society 703
Geography, Department of
(University of Washington)
quantitative methods 607
quantitative revolution 611
geography, history of295–9
cartography, history of 69
colonialism 96
cosmography 117
cosmopolitanism 118

ecumene 186
empire 190
Enlightenment 194
epistemology 207
Eurocentrism 221
exploration 230
geography 287, 289
historicism 336
human geography 350
imperialism 373
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
local knowledge 423
military geography 465
philosophy 530
place 539
relativism 641
science/science studies 666,
scientific revolution(s) 669
travel writing 774
war 804
geography, philosophy of 531
Geography Markup Language
(GML) 392
bioregionalism 49
historical geography 333
geopiety 300
America(s) (idea of) 24
anthropogeography 30
balkanization 41
biopolitics, biopower 48
biosecurity 49
cartography 68
Cold War 93
colonialism 94
conflict 106
continents 112
critical geopolitics121–3
development 155
domination 172
domino theory 173
exception, space of 226
feminist geographies 248
food 259
frontier 264
geography 291
Geopolitik 302
geostrategic realms 302
globalization 310
human geography 350
just war 397
Middle East, idea of 460
militarism 464
NIDL 500
nomos 502
occupation, military 508
oil 510
Pax Americana 523
political geography 550
post-development 563
post-Marxism 566

verticality, politics of 798
war 805
Geopolitik 302
fascism 242
holocaust 337
Lebensraum 416
political geography 549
George, Henry 61
geostrategic realms302–3
Gereffi, Gary 101
German location school
location theory 426
locational analysis 428
Germany.See alsoNazism
agrarian question 14
development 155
Europe, idea of 223
heartland 326, 327
historical geography 332
political geography 549
regional geography 635
Ge ́roˆme, Jean-Le ́on 232
gerontologicalgeography 13
Gerry, Elbridge 303
gerrymandering 303
boundary 55
electoral geography 188
modifiable areal unit problem
(maup) 476
racial districting 617
redistricting 626
Gerschenkron, Alexander
growth theory 321
stages of growth 721
Gertler, Meric
flexible accumulation 257
institutional economics 386
rural–urban continuum 660
society 702
Gesler, W.M. 451, 453
blockbusting 50
Chicago School 79
ethnicity 216
holocaust 338
migration 463
segregation 673, 674
slum 688
zone of dependence 816
Gibbs, Lois 201
Gibson, Kathy 245
Gibson, William 139
Gibson-Graham, J.-K.
base and superstructure 43
feminist geographies 245, 247
Marxist geography 447
time–space compression 757
Giddens, Anthony
contextuality 111
geographical imagination 283
globalization 310
lifeworld 418
locale 424

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