The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) 281
Goode’s projection 435
Goodman, David
agricultural geography 19
agro-food system 21
farming 241
substitutionism 731
Goodman, M. 259
Google Book Search 392
Google Maps 496
Gorbachev, Mikhail 103
Gore, Charles 361
Gottmann, Jean
iconography 363
megalopolis 453
Go ̈tz, W.
commercial geography 98–9
economic geography 178
Gould, Peter
behavioural geography 44
game theory 267
mental maps/cognitive
maps 455
qualitative methods 609
quantitative revolution 612
Gould, Stephen J. 617
Gouldner, A. 444
Gourou, Pierre 777
governable space 312
border 52
city 86
community 104
film 252
gated communities 268
liberalism 417
local state 423
multiculturalism 481
nation-state 489
Pax Americana 523
political geography 551
private interest developments
(pids) 584
privatization 585
redistribution 626
regime theory 630
regional policy 637
regionalism 639
regulation theory 640–1
rural geography 659
rural planning 660
secularism 671
shadow state 681
stages of growth 721
state 723–4
subsidiarity 731
urban and regional
planning 782, 783
bare life (‘naked life’) 41
biopolitics, biopower 48
border 52
culture 137

disciplinary power 165
genealogy 270
geo-body 274
governable space 312
human geography 351
ideology 367, 368
liberalism 417
nation-state 489
policing 545
political ecology 547
political economy 548
post-development 563
post-structuralism 572
regional policy 637
subaltern studies 728
territoriality 745
time–space distanciation 760
war 804
Gowan, Peter 183
GPS.SeeGlobal Positioning
Grabher, Gernot 386
Graff, G. 751
Graham, Julie 245
Graham, S.
imaginative geographies 370
surveillance 734
verticality, politics of 798
Gramsci, Antonio
capitalism 63
civil society 87
domination 172
hegemony 327
ideology 367
power 576
social construction 690
state 723
subaltern studies 727, 728
Grand Theory315–16
hermeneutics 329
human geography 352
local knowledge 423
Grano, J.G. 485
graph theory 316
quantitative revolution 612
remote sensing (RS) 644
social network 696
spatial analysis 711
system 739
grassroots globalization 31–2
gravity model316–17
agent-based modelling 13
catastrophe theory 73
distance decay 169
models 196
macrogeography 433
migration 462
population potential 555
quantitative methods 608
quantitative revolution 611
Great Britain
Austral(as)ia, idea of 39
economy 184

Middle East, idea of 460
settlement continuity 678–9
slum 688
Great Chain of Being 615
Great Depression
neo-liberalism 497
NIDL 500
political economy 548
restructuring 652
suburb/anization 732
tariff 741
Great Map of Mankind 194
Great Society 60
Great Transformation 184
race 615
regional policy 637
religion 642
green belt317, 501
green consumerism 739
Green Line 317
Green Party 202
Green political parties 149
Green Revolution317–19
development 156
farming 241
poverty 574
primitive accumulation 581
Greenhough, B. 50
greenhouse effect.Seeglobal
Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT) 755
Gregersen,B. 401
Gregory, Derek
American empire 26
Cartesianism 65–6
cartographic reason 66
colonialism 96
diffusion 161
empire 190
epistemology 207
Eurocentrism 221, 222
imagination 284
geopolitics 302
Grand Theory 315
imaginative geographies 370,
indistinction, zone of 375
instrumentalism 387
Other/Otherness 515
production of space 590–2
settler society 679
situated knowledge 684
social theory 699
spatial science 715
structuralism 725
thick description 753
third space 754
time–space expansion 761
vision and visuality 801
Gregory, S. 608
Gregson, N. 268, 294

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