The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Israeli Center for Human
Rights 394
Iyer, P. 635

Jack, D.C. 394
Jackson, C. 671
Jackson, J.B. 409
Jackson, P. 136
Jacobs, Jane
inner city 384
urban origins 789
urban renewal 790
Jacome, Mestre 230
James, C.L.R. 718
James, Henry 621
James, William 577
Jameson, Frederic
contrapuntal geographies 113
imagination 283
literature 420
Janelle, Douglas 758
Jefferson, Mark
geography, history of 296
primate city, the law of 580
Jeffreys, H. 43
Jeffries, M. 46
Jencks, C. 111
Jenkins, Simon 668
Jessop, Bob
governance 313
internal relations 390
regulation theory 640
Jevons, William Stanley 495
diaspora 158
ethnic cleansing 213
ethnicity 215
Europe, idea of 223
holocaust 337
sovereign power 706
just war 397
Pax Americana 523
Johannesburg Plan of
Implementation 739
Johnson, B. 401
Johnson, Harry 443
Johnson, Lyndon B. 721
Johnston, R.J.
exploratory data analysis
(EDA) 234
modifiable areal unit problem
(maup) 476
process 586, 587
Johnston, Samuel 297
Joint Academic Network 392
Jones, Clarence Fielden 179
Jones, E.L. 20
Jones, Emrys
environmental history 199
social geography 692
Jones, J.P., III
epistemology 207

film 253
urban geography 785
Jones, M. 639
Joseph, Keith 442
Joseph, M. 103, 104
Jourdain, Molie`re M. 287
Journal of Biogeography 47
Journal of Economic
Geography 500
Journal of Historical
Geography333, 335
Joyce, James 420
fascism 242
kibbutz 401
race 615
Jung, Carl 596
just war 397
ethics 211
nomos 502
religion 643
terrorism 747
war 805
environmental justice201–2
equality 208
fair trade 238
feminism 244
Green Revolution 319
social justice694–5
territorial justice 744
just-in-time production397–8
post-Fordism 564
production complex 589
Taylorism 742

Kafka, Franz 466
Kain, John 713
Kaldor, Mary 32
Kaldor, Nicholas 385
Kalra, V.S. 159
Kant, Immanuel
commercial geography 98
cosmopolitanism 117
episteme 206
Kantianism 399
modernity 471
philosophy 530
physical geography 532
space 708
time 755
animals 29
exceptionalism 226
geography 288
idiographic 368
naturalism 491
nomothetic 502
philosophy 530
possibilism 560
process 586
space 707
spatiality 717
Kaplan, Amy

American empire 26
domesticity 172
Kaplinsky, R. 101
Kariel, H.G. 702
Kariel, P.E. 702
Kasarda, J.D. 8
Kates, Robert
behavioural geography 44
resource 648
Katodrytis, G. 792
Katz, Cindi
geographies 114
everyday life 224
Grand Theory 315
time–space expansion 761
topography 762
Kaur, R. 159
Kautsky, Karl
Marxism 444
Kearns, G. 420
Kearns, R.A. 451
Keil, R. 304
Keith, M. 646
Kennan, George 301
Kennedy, B.A. 292
Kennedy, John F.
Pax Americana 523
stages of growth 721
Kepler, Johannes 669
Kerridge, E. 20
Kerry, John 516
Kessler, Karl 143
Key, V.O. Jr. 264
Keynes, John Maynard
capitalism 61
development 155
market 443
political economy 548
poverty 574
Keynes, John Neville 505
Keynesian economics
capitalism 63
growth theory 321, 322
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) 390
market 442, 443
neo-liberalism 497
political economy 548
redistribution 626
regime of accumulation 630
regulation theory 640
restructuring 652
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
Khomeini, Ayatollah
Ruhollah 511
kibbutz 401
Kimberly Process Certification
Scheme 107
Kimble, G.H.T. 634–5
King, Anthony 304
King, Clarence 407

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