The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

law of the sea415–16
Laws, G. 452
layers of investment 652
LDA.Seelongitudinal data
Le Corbusier 783
le Guin, Ursula 174
le Play, Fre ́de ́ric 130
Le Play Society 130
League of Nations
demography 153
multilateralism 482
learning regions 416
clusters 92
information economy 382
innovation 385
knowledge economy 401
Leavis, F.R. 136
Lebensraum 416
anthropogeography 30
fascism 242
geopolitics 301
Geopolitik 302
holocaust 337
political geography 549
LeConte, Joseph 407
Lees, L. 274
Lefebvre, Henri
abstraction 2
body 51
capitalism 62
critical theory 127
dialectic(s) 158
ethnography 218
Euclidean space 220
everyday life 223–5
film 254
geography 290
heterotopia 330
modernism 470
production of nature 589
production of space 590, 592
rhythmanalysis 655–6
rights 657
social space 697–8
space 708
spatiality 716, 717
sport(s) 718
taken-for-granted world 741
third space 754
trialectics 776
urbanism 792
urbanization 793
Lega Nord (political
movement) 639
Leib, J.I. 478
Leibniz, G.W.
biophilosophy 47
ontology 512
process 587
consumption 108
moral landscapes 479
post-industrial city 565

recreation 624
sport(s) 718
tourism 763
Lemansky, C. 732
Lemert, C. 699
Lemkin, Raphael 272
Lenin, V.I.
imperialism 373
informal sector 381
Marxism 444
uneven development 781
Lenovo 771
Leontieff, Wassily 385
leprosy 517
lesbians 680
Leslie, D. 101
Lesotho 563
Letchworth 267
Letterist International 597
Levene, M. 273
Levinas, Emmanuel
deconstruction 148
ethics 213
Le ́vi-Strauss, Claude
deconstruction 147
exchange 228
structuralism 725
Lewis, Bernard
civilization 88
Middle East, idea of 461
Lewis, J. 246
Lewis, M.W. 456
Lewis, Oscar
cycle of poverty 141
underclass 779
Lewis, P. 634
Lewis, W. Arthur
dual economy 173
growth theory 321, 322
Lewontin, Richard 616–17
Ley, David
Grand Theory 315
moral landscapes 479
urban geography 785, 786
Leyes, Nancy Stephan 617
Li, W. 217
Liben, Lynn 80
liberal arts 358
Liberal International 442
liberalism 416
citizenship 84
civil society 87
communitarianism 103
development 155, 156
equality 208
ethnicity 214
feminism 244
human rights 355
market 441, 442
modernity 471
political economy 547, 548
post-industrial city 565
pragmatism 578

property 593
radical democracy 618
rights 656
Lichty, R.W. 291
bare life (‘naked life’)41–2
biophilosophy 47
biopolitics, biopower 48
everyday life223–5
quality of life606–7
risk society 658
life course/life-cycle 418
children 81
demography 153
household 346
longitudinal data analysis
(LDA) 431
metaphor 456
population geography 553
socialgeography 693
life-cycle.Seelife course/life-cycle
life expectancy 418
demography 153
life table 418
mortality 481
population pyramid 555–6
life sciences 648
life table 418
demography 153
life expectancy 418
population geography 553
lifeworld 418
abstraction 2
critical theory 126
cultural landscape 133
human agency 347
humanistic geography 357
land tenure 408
ontology 512
social construction 690
Likert scales 73
Limerick, P.N. 265
limits to growth418–19
overpopulation 516
population geography 552
Lincoln, Y. 458, 459
linear programming 419
opportunity costs 513
optimization models 513
transportation problem 773
Linenthal, E.T. 661
Lingis, Alphonso 717
linguistic geography 411
linkages 419
external economies 234
production complex 589
Linnaeus, Carolus
ecology 176
exploration 231
race 615–16
Lipietz, Alain 640
Lipton, David 624
Lipton, Michael

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