The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Luhmann, Niklas
functionalism 266
structural functionalism 725
Luka ́cs, Gyo ̈rgy 366
Luke, Timothy
deep ecology 149
urbanism 792
Lukes, Steven 575
LULC.Seeland use and land-
cover change
Lund School 697
Lunn, E. 469, 470
Lupton, D. 658
Luxemburg, Rosa 781
Lyde, Lionel 178
Lynch, Kevin
perception 202
mental maps/cognitive
maps 455
urban geography 785
Lyotard, J.F. 699
Lysenko, T.D. 408

Ma, L.J.C. 732
MacCannell, D. 763
Machiavelli, Niccolo` 391
machines 684
MacKenzie, S. 247
Mackinder, Halford
determinism 197
geography, history of 296
geopolitics 301
Geopolitik 302
heartland 326–7
political geography 549, 550
Mackinder’s Heartland 301
MacLeod, G. 639
Macmillan, B. 469
Macnaghten, P. 658
macrogeography 433
general systems theory 271
population potential 554
regional geography 634
Maddison, A. 403
Maddox, Conroy 628
Madres de Plaza de Mayo 355
Madsen, R. 104
Maegraith, B. 452
Magellan, Ferdinand 230
magnetic north 40
magnetism 668
Magnusson, Warren 791
Magritte, Rene ́ 330
Mahan, Alfred Thayer 460
Make Poverty History 238
maladaptation 8
malapportionment 433
districting algorithm 169
electoral geography 188
redistricting 626
Malecki, E. 195
Malinowski, Bronislaw

functionalism 265
participant observation 519,
Mall (Washington, D.C.) 478
malls 654
Malmberg, Anders 386
malnutrition 359–60
Malthus, Thomas
Boserup thesis 54
economic growth 181
historical demography 332
Malthusian model433–4
Postan thesis 560
Malthusian model433–4
Africa, idea of 12
Boserup thesis 54
Darwinism 142
economic growth 182
environmental hazard 198
Green Revolution 317
historical demography 332
hunger 360
population density 552
population geography 552
Postan thesis 560
resource 649
resource wars 651
Mamdani, M.
apartheid 33
decolonization 146
Middle East, idea of 461
religion 643
South, the 705
class 89
Fordism 260
governance 312
labour process 406
resource management 650
urban managers and
Manchester 384
Mandel, Ernest
Kondratieff waves 403
Marxist economics 446
Mandelbrot, Benoıˆt 263
Manichean divide 140
Mann, Michael
ideology 368
state 722–3
territoriality 745
Mannheim, Karl 112
Manson, S.
complexity theory 106
Grand Theory 316
post-industrial city 565
services 677
Manufacturing Belt (USA)
Mao Zedong 103
Maoism 670
Maori 1

analogue 26
artificial intelligence 37
cadastral mapping 57
cartographic reason 66
cartography 66
cartography, history of 69
children 80, 81
choropleth 83
class interval 89
colonialism 97
deliberative mapping 150
diffusion 161
digital cartography 162, 163
digitizing 163
economic geography 178
geo-body 275
geocoding 275
Geographic Information
Science (GISc) 277–9
Geographic Information
iconography 363
imaginative geographies 370
isolines 396
map projection437–9
neo-geography 496
point pattern analysis 543
probability map 586
raster 620
scale 664
science/science studies 666
space 710
spatial analysis 711
text 750
topographic map 761–2
verticality, politics of 798
vision and visuality 801
map projection437–, 438
analogue 26
cartogram 66
digital cartography 163
graph theory 316
map 434, 435
quantitative methods 607
map reading439, 465
Marble, D.F. 426–7
Marburg School 400
Marchand, B. 157
Marcus, G.E. 218
Marcuse, Herbert
critical theory 125
existentialism 228–9
ideology 367
Marcuse, Peter 306
Margalit, A. 508
marijuana 486
marine science 50
capitalism 59
commodity 99
competitive advantage 105
co-operative 115
cultural economy 129
economic integration 183

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