The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Marxism (cont’d)
liberalism 417
limits to growth 419
location theory 427
individualism 457
migrancy 461, 462
minor theory 467
mode of production 468
modernism 470
money and finance 476
nation 487
nature 493
normative theory 505
objectivity 507
phenomenology 529
political ecology 547
political geography 551
post-industrial society 566
post-Marxism 566
power 575
production of space 590, 592
quantitative revolution 612
radical democracy 619
radical geography 619, 620
rational choice theory 621
realism 623
regulation theory 640
Second World 670
social justice 694
social movements 695
social reproduction 697
socialism 700, 701
society 703
space 708, 709
space-economy 710
spatial fetishism 712
spatiality 716, 717
spectacle 717
stages of growth 720
state 723
structuralism 725
structuration theory 726
subaltern studies 727
subject/subjectivity 728, 729
territoriality 745
theory 752
uneven development 781
urban geography 785
vision and visuality 801
West, the 809
world-systems analysis 813
Marxist economics445–6
accumulation 3
class 88
economic growth 182
economy 185
exchange 227
factors of production 238
intensive agriculture 389
neo-Ricardian economics 498
political economy 548
productivity 592
rent 644, 645

restructuring 653
retailing 654
subsistence agriculture 731
value-added 797
welfare geography 807
Marxist geography446–8
activism 5
body 51
creative destruction 119
crisis 121
cultural geography 131
domestic labour 171
environmental hazard 198
feminist geographies 246
flows 257
geographical imagination 283
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
Marxism 445
materialism 449
philosophy 531
political ecology 545
power 575
quantitative methods 608
realism 623
resistance 647
retailing 653–4
scale 665
social geography 692
society 703
uneven development 781
universalism 782
violence 799
masculinism 448
androcentricity 28
cyborg 140
economic geography 180
ethnicity 217
fascism 242
feminism 243–4
feminist geographies 245, 246
fieldwork 251
gender 268
geographical imagination 284
geography 295
globalization 311
home 341
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
industrial geography 377
landscape 410
literature 422
local knowledge 422
local–global relations 425
methodology 458
militarism 465
money and finance 477
ontology 512
Other/Otherness 515
phallocentrism 527
qualitative methods 605–6
quantitative revolution 612
sexuality 681
situated knowledge 683

subject/subjectivity 729
theory 752
time-geography 756
time–space compression 757
vision and visuality 801
Maskell, Peter 386
Massey, Doreen
capitalism 62
case study 72
contextuality 112
decision-making 144–5
division of labour 170
economic geography 179
essentialism 211
ethnography 218–19
geographical imaginary 282
industrial geography 377
labour process 406
location theory 427
Marxist economics 446
place 540–1
power-geometry 576–7
segregation, measurement
of 675
sense of place 676
social theory 699
space 709
time–space compression 757,
material culture448–9
cultural geography 130
culture 135
hermeneutics 328
home 341
text 750
visual methods 802
materialism 449
creative destruction 119
cultural geography 132
culture 136–7
discourse 166
epistemology 207
historical materialism335–6
human geography 351
idealism 363
internal relations 390
landscape 410
postmaterialism 566
social space 697
transculturation 768
world-systems analysis 813
chaos theory 78
complexity theory 105
cosmography 116
Euclidean space 220
factor analysis 237
fractal 263
graph theory 316
gravity model 316
location quotient 426
Malthusian model 433
optimization models 513
quantitative methods 607, 608

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