The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

nature (cont’d)
process 587
production of nature589–90
regional geography 634
representation 645
rural geography 659
sacred and profane space 661
social construction 690, 691
social geography 692
state of nature 724
tourism 763
transport geography 773
underdevelopment 780
uneven development 781
urban and regional
planning 783
urban ecology 783
urban nature 788
values 797
vision and visuality 801
West, the 809
wilderness 811
nature, production of.See
production of nature
Nature Conservancy 108
camp 57
cartography 69
deconstruction 148
ethnicity 214, 215
Europe, idea of 223
fascism 242
Geopolitik 302
holocaust 337–9
Lebensraum 416
location theory 426
modernity 473
race 616
racism 618
slavery 687
sovereign power 706
negative feedback 243
Negri, Antonio
empire 190
naturalism 492
regional geography 635
socialism 700
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
Nehru, Jawaharlal 754
ageing 13
anarchism 28
back-to-the-city movement 41
barrio 42
census 74
census tract 75
Chicago School 79
children 80
community 103
contextual effect 110
convergence, regional 115
domination 172
education 187

electoral geography 188
enclave 191
effect 264
geodemographics 277
ghetto 303
housing studies 346
invasion and succession 395
memory 453
positive discrimination 557
raster 620
redlining 626
rent gap 645
segregation 673
Sjoberg model 686
social area analysis 688
turf politics 778
urban renewal 790
urban village 791
neighbourhood effect 495
contextual effect 110
cycle of poverty 141
diffusion 160
ecometrics 177
education 187
electoral geography 188
logit regression models 431
multi-level models 483
sampling 663
social network 696
Neighbourhood Statistics 671
neighbourhood unit 495
garden city 267
new town 501
Nelson, Lise
body 51
feminist geographies 245
topography 762
neo-classical economics495–6,
analytical Marxism 27
capitalism 60, 61
convergence, regional 114
creative destruction 119
decision-making 144
dependency theory 154
dialectic(s) 157
economic geography 179
economy 185
environmental economics 197
equilibrium 209
exchange 227
factors of production 238
growth theory 321
human geography 351
industrial geography 377
location theory 427
market 440
Marxist economics 445
individualism 457
neo-Ricardian economics 498
New Economic
Geography 499

normative theory 505
opportunity costs 513
Pareto optimality 519
political economy 548
public choice theory 598
quantitative methods 607
rational choice theory 621
regional science 638
rent 644
resource economics 649
retailing 653
space-economy 710
staples theory 722
uneven development 780
utilitarianism 795
utility theory 795
welfare geography 807
colonialism 96
decolonization 146
nation 487
neo-liberalism 498
socialism 700
neo-Darwinism 142
neo-geography 496
neo-Kantianism 400
aboriginality 1
Africa, idea of 11
agrarian question 16
aid 21
American empire 26
anti-globalization 31, 32
apartheid 33
applied geography 34
Asian miracle/tigers 38
bare life (‘naked life’) 42
biotechnology 49
border 52
borderlands 53
capitalism 62, 63
civil society 87
collective consumption 94
communism 103
community 104
crime 120
development 156
diaspora 159
economic geography 180
economic growth 182
economic integration 183
education 187
enclosure 192
environmental economics 197
exit, voice and loyalty 229
fair trade 238
feminism 244
feudalism 249
gentrification 274
geodemographics 277
geography 295
geopolitics 302

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