The Dictionary of Human Geography

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food 259
Fordism 260
geographical imagination 283
governable space 312
governmentality 314
growth theory 322
hazard 324
human geography 352
industrial geography 377
industrial revolution 379
law 414
limits to growth 418
location theory 427
model 469
peasant 524
political ecology 546
Postan thesis 560
postmodernity 569
privatization 585
rational choice theory 639
regime theory 630
region 631
retailing 653
space 708
space-economy 711
staples theory 722
war 804
political geography549–51
anthropogeography 30
critical geopolitics 121–3
democracy 150
ethnic cleansing 213, 214
feminist geographies 245
Geopolitik 302
human geography 350, 351
iconography 363
indistinction, zone of 375
institutionalism 386
public choice theory 598
qualitative methods 603
radical democracy 618
redistribution 626
sexuality 680
sovereignty 706
trade 766
world-systems analysis 813
political resistance 646
political technologies 707
politics.See alsogeopolitics
biopolitics, biopower 48
census 74
chorology/chorography 82–3
citizenship 84
climate 90
contextual effect 110
cultural politics 134
democracy 151
electoral geography 187–8
equality 208
famine 240
fascism 242
feminism 244
foundationalism 262

effect 264
gentrification 274
gerrymandering 303
International Relations
(IR) 391
law 414
malapportionment 433
political ecology 547
post-industrial society 566
privatization 585
territory 746
terrorism 747
theory 752
transgression 770
tricontinentalism 776
turf politics 778
verticality, politics of 798
war 804
welfare geography 807
zoning 816
Politics(Aristotle) 547
Pollock, G. 470
acid rain 4
compact city 104
cost-benefit analysis 118
decentralization 144
environmental economics
game theory 267
global warming 308
gross domestic product
(GDP) 320
human geography 351
industrialization 380
intensive agriculture 389
scale 664
system 740
water 807
wetlands 810
Pomeranz, K. 56
Poovey, Mary 72
Popper, Karl
Cartesianism 65
critical rationalism 124, 125
critical theory 126
falsification 238–9
historicism 336
logical positivism 430
individualism 457
paradigm 518
Asia (idea of) 37
capture–recapture methods 64
carceral geographies 64
census 75
Chicago School 80
classification and
regionalization 90
co-evolution 92
demographic transition152–3

ecological inference 175
economic base theory 177–8
economic growth 182
energy 193
epidemiology 206
ethnic cleansing 213
ghetto 303
global commons 307
local statistics 424
Malthusian model 433–4
micropolis 459
neighbourhood 494
occupation, military 508
overpopulation 516
Postan thesis 560
security 672, 673
tragedy of the commons 766
population archaeology 333
population density 552
carrying capacity 65
cartogram 66
choropleth 83
Postan thesis 560
population genetics 142
population geography552–4
ageing 12, 13
demography 153
environmentalism 205
medical geography 451
population density 552
quantitative methods 610
population potential 433,554–5
population projection 555
census 74
demography 153
population geography 553
population pyramid 154,555,
culture 136
farming 242
porkbarrel 556
electoral geography 188
effect 264
public goods 600
port 331
Porteous 763
Porter, Michael 91, 92
Portes, Alejandro 689
Portugali, J. 106
contrapuntal geographies 114
difference 160
feminist geographies 245
interviews and
interviewing 393
methodology 458
performance 526
post-structuralism 573
power-geometry 576
qualitative methods 603
reflexivity 627
social justice 694

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