The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

law 414
liberalism 417
public geographies 599
regime theory 630
rights 656
subject/subjectivity 729
Private Finance Initiative 601
private interest developments
privatization 585
common pool resources 102
exit, voice and loyalty 229
governance 313
Green Revolution 319
primitive accumulation 581
spatial monopoly 714
topography 762
welfare state 808
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
World Trade Organization
(WTO) 813
probabilism 197, 585
probabilistic designs 662
Bayesian analysis 43
Markov process (or Markov
chain) 443
risk 657
uncertainty 779
probability map 586
Probyn, E. 730
Chicago School 80
diffusion 160
disease, diffusion of 168
geography 294
philosophy 531
Proctor, J. 643
producer services 587
global cities/world cities 305
services 677
product life cycle587–9
profit cycle 593
transaction costs 768
agglomeration 14
capitalism 59
class 88–9
collective consumption 93
command economy 98
communism 103
comparative advantage 105
cost structure 118
cultural economy 129
dependency ratio 154
domestic labour 171
economies of scale 183–4
ethnography 218
exchange 227
factors of production237–8
global cities/world cities 304,

globalization 310
household 346
just-in-time production397–8
Marxism 444
mode of production 468
neo-Ricardian economics 498
peasant 524
placelessness 542
trade 764
transaction costs 767–8
production complex 184, 589
Production of commodities by means
of commodities, The
(Sraffa) 498
production of nature589–90
cultural landscape 133
economic geography 181
geography 293
materialism 449
nature 493
production of space 590
recreation 625
production of space590–2,591,
abstraction 2
body 51
children 81
critical theory 126
dialectic(s) 157
Euclidean space 220
everyday life 224
flows 257
geography 294
heterotopia 330
human geography 351
Marxism 445
modernism 470
philosophy 531
place 540
post-structuralism 572
recreation 625
rhythmanalysis 656
scale 665
space 708
spatiality 716
subject/subjectivity 730
trialectics 776
Fordism 260
Green Revolution 318
regional policy 638
von Thu ̈nen model 803
profit 498
profit cycle 588, 593
Asia (idea of) 37
historicism 336
progressive liberalism 548
proletariat 580
limits to growth 419
underdevelopment 780
bioprospecting 48–9

cadastral mapping 57
capital 58
capitalism 59
citizenship 84
common property regimes 102
communism 103
difference 159
feudalism 250
gated communities 268
inheritance systems 383
Intellectual Property Rights
land tenure 408–9
law 414
primitiveaccumulation 580
public space 602
rights 656
sacred and profane space 661
squatting 719
tragedy of the commons 767
vision and visuality 801
property rights 440
propinquity 594
proportionality shift 681
red-light districts 625
slavery 687
Protestant Reformation 364
proto-industrialization 378, 595
proximity 747
Prudham, S. 389
Pryke, M.
film 254
visual methods 802
Przeworski, Adam 445
psychic resistance 646–7
psychoanalytic theory595–7
abjection 1
affect 8
body 50
critical theory 125
emotional geography 189
feminist geographies 247
flows 257
gender 268
geographical imaginary 282
geographical imagination 284
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
human agency 348
idealism 364
identity 365
ideology 367
imaginative geographies 370
landscape 410
ontology 512
Other/Otherness 515
performativity 527
post-structuralism 572
queer theory 612
resistance 646
sexuality 680
social exclusion 692
society 701, 703

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