The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

raster (cont’d)
pixel 539
point pattern analysis 544
quadtree 603
vector data 798
rational abstraction 2
rational actor theories 695
rational choice theory620–1
agent-based modelling 13
analytical Marxism 27
economic geography 179
economy 185
game theory 267
industrial geography 377
location theory 427
Marxism 445
individualism 457
migrancy 461
neo-classical economics 495–6
population geography 553
public choice theory 598
reductionism 626
satisficing behaviour 664
universalism 782
von Thu ̈nen model 803
capitalism 60
critical rationalism124–5
market 442
paradigm 518
Ratzel, Friedrich
anthropogeography 30
Berkeley School 45
Darwinism 142
diffusion 160
determinism 197
functionalism 266
geography 290
Geopolitik 302
Lebensraum 416
political geography 549, 550
Raudenbush, S.W. 663
Ravenstein, George 462, 463
Ravetz, Jerome 570
Rawls, John 694
Ray, B. 695
Razack, Sherene 679
Reagan, Ronald and
geopolitics 301
market 442, 443
neo-liberalism 497
political economy 548
postmodernism 567
privatization 585
restructuring 653
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
Reaganomics 653
abstraction 2
critical geopolitics 121

critical rationalism 124, 125
critical theory 126
discourse 166
economic geography 179
explanation 230
exploratory data analysis
(EDA) 234
extensive research 234
gender 268
geocomputation 276
geography 293
human agency 347
humanistic geography 357
intensive research 389
internal relations 390
law (scientific) 415
locality 425
location theory 427
Marxism 445
methodology 458
ontology 512
patriarchy 522
philosophy 530
political economy 548
positivism 559
power 575
pragmatism 578
process 586
qualitative methods 606
retroduction 654
social construction 690
structuralism 725
realm 138
reciprocal-lineage mode 813
Reclus, Elise ́e
anarchism 27
critical human geography 123
geography, history of 296
radical geography 619
socialism 700
recognition 623
feminist geographies 247
radical democracy 619
subject/subjectivity 728
Reconquista 538
sport(s) 718
recursiveness 726
recycling 192, 625
equality 208
Pareto optimality 519
state 723
urban origins 789
mode 813
redistricting 626
classification and
regionalization 90
deliberative mapping 150
electoral geography 188

gerrymandering 303
modifiable areal unit problem
(maup) 476
racial districting 617
red-light districts 594, 625
redlining 626
housing studies 347
suburb/anization 732
urban managers and
gatekeepers 788
co-evolution 92
culture 136
environmentalism 205
LatinAmerica 413
Rees, J. 588
reflexivity627–8, 628
cybernetics 138
ethics 213
feminist geographies 245
fieldwork 251
geography 295
interviews and
interviewing 393
methodology 458
positionality 557
qualitative methods 604
risk society 658
structuration theory 726
Reformation 222
asylum 39
camp 58
environmental refugees 204
exception, space of 226
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
immigration 371
migration 464
partition 521
time–space expansion 761
travel writing 774
war 806
regime of accumulation 630
flexible accumulation 256–7
Fordism 260
Kondratieff waves 403
nation-state 489
post-Fordism 564
regulation theory 640
restructuring 651
tariff 741
regime theory 630
economic geography 179
Europe, idea of 222
functionalism 266
geography 290–2
governable space 312
homeland 343
human geography 353
innovation 385
investment 396
knowledge economy 401

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