The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

migration 463
modifiable areal unit problem
(maup) 475
nation 487
neighbourhood unit 495
Other/Otherness 515
political geography 550
public administration 598
segregation, measurement
of 675
social area analysis 689
social geography 692
society 702
South, the 705
sovereign power 705
territorialization 746
theory 752
third space 754
topography 762
urban social movement 791
von Thu ̈nen model 803
world-systems analysis 814
Scandinavia 541
Schaefer, Frederick
exceptionalism 226–7
geography, history of 298
Kantianism 399
logical positivism 430
space 708
Schaffer, Simon 667, 668
Schatzski, T.R. 112
Scheffler, S. 460
Schelling, T.C. 13
Schleiermacher, F. 328
Schlesinger, Arthur 699
Schlick, Moritz 430
Schluter, Otto 45
Schmitt, Carl
exception, space of 225
market 442
nomos 502
Schoenberger, E.
decision-making 145
Taylorism 742
Schorske, C.E. 478
Schumm, S.A. 291
Schumpeter, Joseph
creative destruction 119
imperialism 373
Schurman, R. 389
Schu ̈tz, Alfred
ethnomethodology 219
everyday life 224
phenomenology 529
social construction 690
Schutzian phenomenology 418
science and technology studies
actor-network theory (ANT) 6
assemblage 38
nature 493
network(s) 499
science park 416, 668
science/science studies666–8

abstraction 2
Cartesianism 65
cartographic reason 66
cartography 67
case study 72
conservation 107
cosmography 116
critical human
geography 123–4
critical rationalism 124
economic geography 180
Enlightenment 193
environmentalism 205
exceptionalism 226–7
exploration 230–1
falsification 239
farming 242
flows 257
genius loci 272
geography 293
geography, history of 297, 298
Green Revolution 318
historical geography 335
indigenous knowledge 374
laboratory 404
law (scientific) 415
local knowledge 423
locational analysis 429
logical empiricism 429
materialism 449
model 469
modernity 471
naturalism 491
objectivity 507
paradigm 518–19
phenomenology 529
political ecology 545, 547
positivism 558, 559
postmodernity 568
post-normal science
qualitative methods 604
race 616–17
regional science638–9
relativism 641
scientific revolution(s) 669
secularism 671
situated knowledge 683
spatial science714–15
travel writing 774
travelling theory 775
trust 777–8
visualization 802
West, the 809
scientific instrumentation668–9
climate 91
exploration 231
globe 311
scientific law.Seelaw (scientific)
scientific revolution(s)669–70
geography,historyof 296,297–8
science/science studies 666
Scope and method of political
economy, The(Keynes) 505

Scott, Allen J.
boundary 55
external economies 235
externalities 235
global cities/world cities 305
Grand Theory 315
industrial district 376
industrial geography 377
institutionaleconomics 385, 386
learning regions 416
location theory 426, 427
transaction costs 768
Scott, James 647
Seabright, P. 129
Seager, J. 245, 247
search behaviour 144, 670
Sebald, W.G. 794
secession670, 706
Second International Congress of
Geographical Sciences 9
Second Intifada 394
Second Life 140
second nature 493
Second World 670
Cold War 93
North-South 506
South, the 705
Second World War
capitalism 63
ColdWar 93
decolonization 145, 146
development 155
ethnic cleansing 213
exceptionalism 226–7
farming 241
film 253
ghetto 303
holocaust 337
immigration 371, 372
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) 390
map reading 439
Middle East, idea of 460
military geography 465
modernization 474
multilateralism 482
new town 501
NIDL 500
political geography 549
restructuring 652
terrorism 747
urban renewal 790
urbicide 794
secondary data analysis670–1
data archive 143
sampling 663
secondary markets 345
Secondspace 776
second-wave feminism 243, 244
section 671
sectoral model 671
growth pole 320
multiple nuclei model 484
zonal model 815

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