The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

holocaust 338
human geography 351
identity 364
ideology 366
Marxism 444
model 469
region 631
society 701
spatial structure 715
time–space distanciation 759
social well-being 700
quality of life 606
territorial justice 744
command economy 98
commodity 99
communism 103
convergence, regional 115
development 156
factors of production 238
gender and development 269
Green Revolution 317
kibbutz 401
liberalism 417
market 441
mode of production 468
peasant 524
political economy 548
populism 556
post-socialism 571
privatization 585
radical geography 620
restructuring 652
situationists/situationism 685
Third World 754
city 86
civil society86–7
community 103–4
corporatization 116
critical human geography 123
geographical imagination 283
geographical societies285–6
household 346
market 441
moral geographies 479
network society 498
ontology 511
policing 545
political ecology 545, 547
population geography 553
post-industrial society565–6
public space 602
relativism 641
restructuring 653
risk society 658
secularism 671
settler society 679
social theory 698, 700
stages of growth 721
time–space distanciation 759
tropicality 777
utopia 795
values 797

world-systems analysis 813
Society and Space(journal)
social theory 699
space 708
Society for Conservation
Biology 46
Society for Human
Exploration 784
Society for the Preservation of the
Wild Fauna of the
Empire 108
sociology 34
So ̈derstro ̈m, O. 702
software for qualitative
data archive 143
digitizing 164
general linear model
(GLM) 271
software for quantitative
analysis 704
Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) 279–81
sequence analysis 677
software for qualitative
research 703
survey analysis 736
Soja, Edward
exopolis 229
geography 294
historicism 336–7
postmodernism 568
production of space 590
social theory 699
society 703
spatiality 716, 717
third space 754
trialectics 775–6
urban origins 789
Sokal, Alan 293
Somerville, Mary
physical geography 532
science/science studies 666
Sorj, B.
farming 241
substitutionism 731
Sorre, Max 692
South, the704–5
capitalism 62
children 81
conflict commodities 107
dependency theory 154
domestic labour 170
domestication 171
environmental history 200
Eurocentrism 221
geographical imaginary 282
geography 290
indigenous knowledge 374
industrial geography 378
multiculturalism 481
nationalism 488
nation-state 489
neo-liberalism 497

North-South 506
post-development 563
postmodernity 570
slum 688
subaltern studies 728
Third World 755
transnational corporations
(TNCs) 772
urbanization 793
urbicide 794
South Africa
apartheid 33
development 156
ethnic cleansing 213
homeland 342
suburb/anization 732
South America 233
South Korea.SeeKorea, South
sovereign power705–6
bare life (‘naked life’) 41
camp 57
critical geopolitics 121
exception, space of 225–6
feudalism 249
homo sacer 344
indistinction, zone of 375
justwar 397
memory 455
performativity 527
political geography 550
violence 799
war 804
borderlands 53
disciplinary power 165
economy 185
governable space 312
multilateralism 482
regime theory 630
sovereign power 705
territorial integrity 744
territorial sea 744
territory 746
transnational corporations
(TNCs) 772
utility theory 795
verticality, politics of 798
world-systems analysis 814
Soviet Union (USSR)
development 155, 156
Europe, idea of 223
heartland 326
North-South 506
post-socialism 571
regional alliance 632
remote sensing (RS) 643
restructuring 651–2
Second World 670
slavery 687
spatial monopoly 714
Soysal, Y. 84
space707–10.See alsotime–
affect 9

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