The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

United States Central Command
(CENTCOM) 460, 461
United States Department of
Defense 307
United States Department of
Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) 713
United States State Department
Green Revolution 318
terrorism 749
United States Supreme
Court 816
Unity of Science Movement 558
Universal Declaration of Human
human rights 355
hunger 359
universalism 782
cosmopolitanism 117
ethics 213
ethnocentrism 217
relativism 641
travelling theory 775
universality 669
University of Cambridge 350
University of Chicago 443.See
alsoChicago School
University of Iowa 611
University of Pennsylvania 639
University of Washington,
Department of Geography
quantitative methods 607
quantitative revolution 611
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAVs) 734
Unwin, D.J. 711
urban and regional
applied geography 34
cadastral mapping 57
compact city 104
Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) 280
geo-informatics 300
green belt 317
human geography 351
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
mental maps/cognitive
maps 455
new town 501
postmodernism 567
von Thu ̈nen model 803
zoning 816
urban ecology 783
urban nature 788
urban village 791
urban entrepreneurialism 195,
urban exploration 784
art 36
flaneur/flanerie 256
psychogeography 597
urban fringe 395, 784
urban geography784–7

census 75
census tract 75
Chicago School 79
communication(s) 102
complexity theory 106
human ecology 349
human geography 351
medical geography 452
mobility 467
population density 552
positivism 559
redistribution 625
retailing 653
sexuality 680
social area analysis 689
society 702
townscape 764
urban implosion 788
urban managers and
housing class 346
housing studies 347
suburb/anization 732
urban nature 788
urban origins788–90
civilization 87
town 764
urban regime theory 630
urban renewal 790
ghetto 303
housing studies 347
inner city 384
neighbourhood 494
urban social movement790–1
collective consumption 94
populism 556
urban system 791
central place theory 76
informational city 382
urban village 3, 791
urban warfare
military geography 465
slum 688
anarchism 28
city 86
community 103
everyday life 224
exopolis 229
flaneur/flanerie 256
Los Angeles School 432
moral landscapes 479
postmodernism 567–8
spectacle 718
squatting 719
urbangeography 786
urban village 791
urbanization 792, 793
aerotropolis 8
Africa, idea of 10
city 86
communitarianism 103

community 104
conurbation 114
counter-urbanization 119
decentralization 143
exopolis 229
farming 241
global cities/world cities 304–6
historical demography 332
megalopolis 453
metropolitan area 459
modernity 471
Pirenne thesis 538–9
population density 552
quantitative methods 610
redistribution 625
rural–urban continuum 660
security 672
segregation 673
sense of place 676
Sjoberg model 685, 686
social area analysis 688–9
sprawl 719
urban ecology 783
urban geography 786
urban nature 788
urbanism 791
urbicide 794
genocide 273
topophilia 763
Urry, John
complexity theory 106
geographical imagination 283
risk society 658
social theory 699
tourism 763
Africa, idea of 11
stages of growth 720
uskorenie 651
utilitarianism 211,794–5
utility theory 795
central place theory 76
gravity model 317
heterotopia 330
Pax Americana 523
situationists/situationism 685

Vaiou, D.
feminist geographies 247
gender 269
Valentine, G. 123
value (economic)
capital 59
labour theory of value406–7
trust 777
wilderness 810
value-added 797
clusters 92
productivity 593
substitutionism 731
values (principles) 797
communitarianism 103
community 103

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